- ()performstwobasicfunctions-marketingandlogistics.()are most important for modern logistics. Bar Code, POS, EDI and GPS systems dramatically improve the efficiency and accuracy of logistics activi
- The area for unloading goods in warehouse is()CIP has something in common with CIF. However, there are still some differences which makes CIP more suitable for the export business of an inland place
- 决定犯罪存在状况的因素是().不宜行负压置换疗法的患者是()。患者男性,60岁。因直肠癌住院拟行手术。住院后突发左下肢剧烈疼痛2小时,左大腿剧痛,足背动脉搏动消失。查体发现左大腿上部可触及一较明显变温处。患
- 正确的有()。百货商店与传统的小型店铺相比,具有的特点是()执行女职工生理机能变化过程中的特殊保护不包括()汽轮机启机后()RPm转时,在停用期间使用登记证由()保存。6#
- ()is the general meaning of the contract, bill, note and proof in the process of logistics .()is the function of loading goods in pallet and wrapping it.The retailer and manufacturer () about 5-
- 全部为细胞牙骨质的情况可见于()近釉质牙本质界的1/3
- 这种抗体黏着供者内皮抗原,激活补体系统,立即引起内皮激活,释放促凝血因子而出现。可能发生于受者、供者血型不合,再次移植,反复输血,多次妊娠,长期血液透析的个体。移植器官在血管吻合接通后24小时,甚至数分钟内被破
- ASRS (Automated Storage and Retrieval System) is()The disadvantage above mentioned can be overcome by ()What is the function of internet to the logistics? ()How many tons does the cargo 737 carr
- 在隧道对头掘进爆破中,当两个工作面相距()时,只准从一个工作面向前掘进,并应在双方通向工作面的安全地点派出警戒。地面气象观测数据文件格式中,薄幕卷层云状符号为().10m
- 大面积烧伤病人第1个8小时,晶、胶体输入量为(不包括基础需水量)()复合式衬砌的防水层施工应在()进行是第1个24小时总入量的1/2#
- 当使用蓄能制动时,总风缸压力低于()kPa,蓄能制动器作用。HTK型红外线轴温探测设备、AEI设备2号、3号磁头中心距是()。在一定范围内,随果汁发酵温度的升高,其最终形成的酒度会()请说出防风的来源.主产地.药用部
- 52岁。慢性乙型肝炎病史6年,体重减轻1个月,尿色加深,巩膜、皮肤进行性黄染2周。查体:肝肋下4cm,边缘钝,右上腹可触及一6cm×4cm大小的梨形包块。患者大便潜血试验阳性,最大的可能是()冬至#
- ERP (Enterprise Resource Planning) is()CIP has something in common with CIF. However, there are still some differences which makes CIP more suitable for the export business of an inland place. ()
- ()is the charge for shipping goods.What is the logistics base module? ()()has three parts: warehouse, high story shelf and stacker.()is the place to store the goods imported without paying dut
- In modern logistics, the goods transfer starts with packaging, followed by () storage and distribution.CIP has something in common with CIF. However, there are still some differences which makes CIP
- The advantage of rail transport is ()()has 3 specific points: fixed port, fixed line and announcing shipping time in advance.Saving or reducing expenditure in business is ()If the goods is damag
- ()is the most flexible mode of all the transport modes.A () is a receipt for the goods shipped and a document of title to the goods, the possession of a() is equivalent in law to possession of t
- Packaging performs 2 basics functions---marketing and ().Ocean bill of lading is the() between carrier and shipper.Convey product knowledge
Logistics#evidence of the contract
- The supply chain activities encompass all associated with the flow and transaction of goods, the flow of information from the raw materials supplier to the end user, as well as the reverse flow of mat
- The package specification in the international trade is () than domestically.Same goods can be valued different at different times. Goods often stop during the transfer process, which is professiona
- WTO ( World Trade Organization)()()has three specific points: fixed line and announcing shipping time in advance.()is the way to deliver goods for different shippers in the same truck, by the mo
- SCM (Supply Chain Management)()After completing a commercial transaction, () will execute the transfer of goods from the seller to the buyer in the most-effective manner.What is the main topic abo
- ()has three specific points: fixed line, fixed ports and announcing shipping time in advance.Motor transport has the biggest market share in the paragraph. Is it true or not ()what kind of product
- ()is called standard container.() is very convenient equipment for loading and unloading goods.()is the motor carrier service between the different cities domestically.For small and medium-sized
- Air cargo is ()The advantage of rail transport is ()()is very convenient equipment for loading and unloading goods.air transport
air freight#
air delivery
planeGreat amount of shipped#
Less dama
- ()can create added value.What is the most important in the logistics information system? ()()is software about the relation between the customer the customer and the supplier in marketingWhat is
- ()can be used for carrying goods to the pointed place automatically.What is the meaning of trend?()What are transported mainly by water? ()What is the meaning of recycle? ()Where is the rail s
- Automated warehouse is managed by()As some countries attempt to shift away from natural gas or petroleum energy systems toward coal-based systems, the need for coal slurry(煤泥) will increase in the
- () is to get the materials and services from a company.()performs two basic functions-marketing and logistics.Pipelines are not ()Which mode of transportation is most flexible?()()is the pla
- What is the most important marker-related factor to the transport cost?()()is the function of loading goods in pallet and wrapping it.()doesn’t need to change package of goods or to stop in any
- 这主要与下列哪项因素有关()下列关于邮政储蓄挂失业务的说法,入院前呕吐两次,呕吐后疼痛无明显缓解。查体:体温38.3℃,血压110/64mmHg,呼吸22次/分,中性粒细胞88%。服用甲基多巴引起的便秘主要是因为()硫糖铝片
- How many product-related factors are there to influence the transport cost?()()act as a bridge or facilitator between supplier and buyer.The disadvantage above mentioned can be overcome by ()Whe
- 16, 25, 36, 50, 81, 100, 169, 200, ( )该标准物质稳定、均一,使用下列哪种检查方法最好()。食品从业人员操作时不得佩戴()。289
- What is the most important product-related factor to the transport cost?()What is the function of internet to the logistics? ()()is the management system to control the material consumed, reduce
- 公司所有员工不得从事以下违反忠实义务的行为()。Ⅰ.以任何行为欺骗或欺诈任何公司现有或将来的客户Ⅱ.对重大事实作虚假陈述或隐瞒重要事实,该事实隐瞒会使得其陈述具有误导性质Ⅲ.参与任何对客户或将来的客户构成欺
- Befog技术打开咬时应用()Vojta方法强调治疗活动是()Ⅰ类牵引
- What is SCM?()()is the most frequent activities in the logistics, but generally adds no value to a product, those operation should be kept to a minimum.In general, factors influencing transportati
- Which mode of transportation is most flexible?()() is guaranteed by the full market supply and Just-In-Time (JIT)The retailer and manufacturer () about 5-10% of their merchandise being returned
- ()is software about the relation between the customer the customer and the supplier in marketingLoss and damage ration for motor are lower than any other modes. Is it correct?()The bill of lading
- Loss and damage ration for motor are lower than any other modes. Is it correct?()What is the disadvantage for air transportation? ()Where is the most air freight shipped in the passenger aircraft?