正确答案: B


题目:Which of the following is used to describe the speech errors induced by the transposition of two sounds as in "tons of soil" and "sons of toil" ?

解析:本题考查语音现象。alliteration“头韵”,指频繁地重复相同的发音,通常是首字母的辅音。spoonerism“斯普纳现象,首音误置”,指将两个或两个以上单词的首音位置互换,这种置换可能是有意的,但也可能是无意的。将“tons of soil”读成“sons of toil”属于首音误置。elision“省音”,指省略部分读音,如we will变成we'Il,let us变成let's。liaison“连读”,指在同一个意群中,如果相邻两个单词前者以辅音音素结尾,后者以元音音素开头,则将辅音和元音拼读成一个音节。

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  • [单选题]一份教案的核心是( )。
  • 设计教学进程

  • 解析:教案的基本组成部分和核心是教学进程,内含教学纲要和教学活动安排,教学方法的具体应用和各种组成部分的时间分配等。故选择C。

  • [单选题]下列命题,不正确的是( )。
  • 教师只是知识的使用者而非知识的生产者

  • 解析:新课改强调教师不但应该是知识的传授者和使用者,更应该做一名反思者和研究者,积极反思教学问题,提升教学能力,开发课程,不断提升教育教学水平。故选择D。

  • [单选题]If someone says "I know the word" ,he should not only understand its meaning but also be able to pronounce,spell,and_________it.
  • use

  • 解析:本题考查词汇教学。词汇教学的内容包括词义、词汇信息(词的拼写和发音等)、用法、词汇学习策略。所以“知道”一个单词除了能够发音、拼写、了解它的词义外,还要会使用它。故本题选D。

  • [单选题] There are people who are especially attracted to the notion of "climbing the ladder" so as to increase their status, financial position, and sense of self-worth. In part, as a result of the work ethic, these people are internally "driven" to work. Not infrequently, foreign visitors have observed that Americans spend an inordinate(过度的) amount of time working and, as a consequence, Americans have little time for leisure or personal relationships. In American English a new word "workaholic" has been created to describe an individual who is as addicted to work as an alcoholic is to liquor. There are conflicting points of view about workaholics. Those concerned with problems of mental stress believe workaholics abuse themselves physically and mentally. Others hold that workaholics are valuable members of society because they are extremely productive. The Americans culture values achievement, efficiency, and production-a workaholic supports these values. Despite the presence of workaholics, there is a growing realization in the United States that excessive work demands can be physieally and mentally harmful. Many people have been rebelling against the work ethic, claiming that when a job is so important, personal relationships suffer and relaxation becomes secondary. Consequently there has been a shift in values, with more emphasis being given to personal relationships and non-work activities. Increased leisure time in the United States has not changed the idea that work and play are distinct activities. There is a belief that it is desirable "to work hard and play hard" and undesirable to combine the two. In many offices, stores and factories socializing among employees is discouraged. An employee under pressure at work often cannot afford to respond to social calls and visits. However, the amount of personal contact on the job depends on the nature of the work. People are ambivalent toward work; it is, at the same time, glorified and belittled. In the words of former President Richard Nixon:"The 'work ethic' holds that labor is good in itself; that a man or woman becomes a better person by virtue of the act of working. America's competitive spirit, the 'work ethic' of this people, is alive and well ..." Another viewpoint is expressed in an Anacin commercial:"I like my job and am good at it, but it sure grinds me down (折磨) sometimes, and the last thing I need to take home is a headache."
  • The reason why some people don't socialize with their co-workers on the job is that ________.

  • they consider work and play separate activities

  • 解析:1.细节题。根据短文第一段前两句“There are people who are especially attracted to the notion of“climbing the ladder" so as to increase their status, financial position, and sense of self-worth. In part,as a result of the work ethic,these people are internally ‘driven’ to work.”可看出有些人深受“climbing the ladder”观念影响,目的是提高社会地位、经济地位和自我价值,所以他们受职业道德驱使而工作。故选项B正确。 2.细节题。作者在第二段指出对于workaholics,人们有两种不同的观点。一种观点认为workaholics abuse themselves physically and mentally;另一种观点则认为workaholics are valuable members of society because they are extremely productive.故选项D正确。 3.细节题。根据短文第三段第一句“…there is a growing realization in the United States that excessive work demands can be physically and mentally harmful.”可知人们开始意识到过度的工作会对健康造成危害。故选项C正确。 4.细节题。短文第四段开头指出“…the idea that work and play are distinct activities.”即人们认为工作和娱乐是两个独立分开的活动。故选项A正确。 5.细节题。短文最后一段指出“People are ambivalent toward work; it is,at the same time,glorified and belittled.”即工作同时受到赞扬和贬低。接着就列举了Nixon的观点和Anacin这种药的广告词来阐释对工作的这两种看法。故选项C正确。

  • [单选题]有人认为蜂蜜的用途只是食用,很难想到它还可以美容和做药材。这在心理学上称为( )。
  • 功能固着

  • 解析:指人们把某种功能赋予某种物体的倾向,认定原有的行为就不会再去考虑其他方面的作用,这种现象称为功能固着。题干描述现象属于功能固着。

  • [单选题]日常教学活动中,教师应该引导学生做到"举一反三""触类旁通""闻一知十"。这种现象在教育心理学上称为( )。
  • 迁移

  • 解析:迁移是指一种学习对另一种学习的影响,或习得的经验对完成其他活动的影响。"举一反三""触类旁通""闻一知十"在教育心理学上称为迁移。

  • [单选题]下列选项中,不属于《水浒传》故事情节的是( )。
  • 温酒斩华雄

  • 解析:温酒斩华雄是《三国演义》的故事情节。故选择A。

  • 必典考试
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