正确答案: A

题目:新义务教育法规定,国家实行( )年义务教育制度。


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  • [单选题]叶圣陶先生说过,"所谓教师的主导作用,意在善于引导启迪,使学生自食其力,非所谓教师滔滔讲话,学生默默聆听。"这句话告诉我们,教师是( )。
  • 鼓励学生参与教学

  • 解析:新课程改革背景下的教学观强调,要从教育者中心转向学习者中心一一学生是学习和教学的主体。题干中,教师要起到主导作用,起到引导者的角色,而不是一味让学生听老师讲,所以是鼓励学生参与课堂的意思,故选择B项。

  • [单选题]小强期中考试考砸了,心情很糟糕,但他意识到不能一直消沉,于是转移自己的注意,想想自己的优点,做做自己喜欢的事。小明的活动表明他在进行( )。
  • 自我调节

  • 解析:A选项,自我认识是自我意识的认知成分。它是自我意识的首要成分,也是自我调节控制的心理基础,它又包括自我感觉、自我概念、自我观察、自我分析和自我评价。B选项,自我体验是伴随自我认识而产生的内心体验,是自我意识在情感上的表现,即主我对客我所持有的一种态度。C选项,自我调节是个体认知发展从不平衡到平衡状态的一种动力机制。自我调节包括意识调节、语言调节、注意转移、行动转移、释放法、自我控制。题干中的小强即使用了自我调节中的注意转移和行动转移。D选项,自我反省是指自我检查思想行为,检查其中的错误。

  • [单选题]王小二拿同学的文具盒,被同学发现后告诉了老师,被老师叫到了办公室,老师问道,"王小二,你这是第几次拿别人的东西了?"王小二低着头回答:"第九次了。""你为什么不改呢?""我也知道不对,就是有时忍不住。"教师应从下列哪方面人手对王小二进行教育?( )
  • 道德意志

  • 解析:道德意志就是人们自觉地确定道德行为的目的,积极调节自己的活动,克服内外困难,以实现既定目的的心理过程。自觉抗拒来自内外部的各种诱惑,排除各种内外部的困难,执行决定,实现既已确定的道德目标。题干中王小二知道自己的行为不对表明已有道德认识,教师接下来应从道德意志人手对其进行教育。故本题选C。

  • [单选题]What is being practised if a teacher asks students to read words like "cot,hot" and "dog,log" ?
  • Minimal pairs,

  • 解析:本题考查语音教学。最小对立体,也称最小对立对,指除了出现在同一个位置上的一个音之外其余都相同的两个语音组合。题目中的cot与hot,dog与log两组词都只有一个音素的差别,因此该教师让学生练习的是最小对立体。故本题选C。

  • [单选题]请阅读 Passage 1,完成1~5小题。   Passage 1   When the Viaduct de Millau opened in the south of France in 2004,this tallest bridge in the world won worldwide accolades.German newspapers described how it "fioated above the clouds" with "elegance and lightness" and "breathtaking" beauty.In France,papers praised the "immense" "concrete giant".Was it mere coincidence that the Germans saw beauty where the French saw heft and power? Lera Borodisky thinks not.   In a series of clever experiments guided by pointed questions,Boroditsky is amassing evidence that,yes,language shapes thought.The effect is powerful enough,she says,that "the private mental lives of speakers of different languages may differ dramatically" ,not only when they are thinking in order to speak,"but in all manner of cognitive tasks" ,including basic sensory perception."Even a small fluke of grammar" -the gender of nouns- "can have an effect on how people think about things in the world." she says.   As in that bridge,in German,the noun for bridge,Brucke,is feminine.In French,pont is masculine.German speakers saw prototypically female features; French speakers,masculine ones. Similarly,Germans describe keys (Schlussel) with words such as harD.heavy,jaggeD.and metal,while to Spaniards keys (llaves) are golden,intricate,little,and lovely.Guess which language construes key as masculine and which as feminine? Grammatical gender also shapes how we construe abstractions.In 85 percent of artistic depictions of death and victory,for instance,the idea is represented by a man if the noun is masculine and a woman if it is feminine,says Boroditsky. Germans tend to paint death as male,and Russians tend to paint it as female.   Language even shapes what we see.People have a better memory for colors if different shades have distinct names-not English's light blue and dark blue,for instance,but Russian's goluboy and sinly.Skeptics of the language-shapes-thought claim have argued that that's a trivial finding, showing only that people remember what they saw in both a visual form and a verbal one,but not proving that they actually see the hues differently.In an ingenious experiment,however,Boroditsky and colleagues showed volunteers three color swatches and asked them which of the bottom two was the same as the top one.Native Russian speakers were faster than English speakers when the colors had distinct names,suggesting that having a name for something allows you to perceive it more sharply.Similarly,Korean uses one word for "in" when one object is in another snugly,and a different one when an object is in something loosely.Sure enough,Korean adults are better than English speakers at distinguishing tight fit from loose fit.   Science has only scratched the surface of how language affects thought.In Russian,verb forms indicate whether the action was completed or not-as in "she ate [and finished]the pizza" .In Turkish,verbs indicate whether the action was observed or merely rumored.Boroditsky would love to run an experiment testing whether native Russian speakers are better than others at noticing if an action is completed.and if Turks have a heightened sensitivity to fact versus hearsay.Similarly,while English says "she broke the bowl" even if it smashed accidentally,Spanish and Japanese describe the same event more like "the bowl broke itself" ."When we show people video of the same event," says Boroditsky,"English speakers remember who was to blame even in an accident,but Spanish and Japanese speakers remember it less well than they do intentional actions.It raises questions about whether language affects even something as basic as how we construct our ideas of causality."
  • Which of the following has nothing to do with the relationship between language and thought?

  • People remember what they saw both visually and verbally.

  • 解析:细节题。从第二段中的“…language shapes thought…sensory perception"‘Even a small fluke of grammar…in the world”和最后一段第一句话可知B、c、D三项是与语言和思想的关系是相关的。故本题选A。

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