正确答案: B

will the middlemen buy

题目:Under no circumstances,()goods on their own account.

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  • [单选题]It is necessary to make a status inquiry ____ your customer before the execution of the order.
  • into

  • [单选题]Please quote us your lowest prices _____ CIf Singapore basis for embroidered silk blouses _____ prompt shipment.
  • in, for

  • [单选题]We()you of our prompt shipment after receipt of your order.
  • assure

  • [单选题]The shipment time is June or July atour()and the good swill be shipped in one().
  • option,lot

  • [单选题]We have made()that we would accept D/P terms for your present order.
  • it clear

  • [单选题]This container can be easily opened()both ends.
  • at

  • [单选题]This agreement shall be cancelled in case the second party fails to sell the agreed quantity with()in six months.
  • up to

  • [单选题]The total CIP value of your order comes()$960 instead of $690,the difference()$270.
  • to,being

  • 推荐下载科目: 第一篇外经贸外语(英语)题库 (一)外贸术语英汉互译题库 (六)汉英经贸短文互译题库 (二)单项选择题题库
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