正确答案: A



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  • [单选题]柱塞偶件配合面磨损后会导致()。Ⅰ.喷油压力下降;Ⅱ.喷油定时延后;Ⅲ.喷油量减少;Ⅳ.喷油时间延长。
  • D.I+Ⅲ

  • [单选题]增压器的轴承一般以()端的轴承先损坏,因该处()、工作条件差。
  • 涡轮/温度高

  • [单选题]当轴系同轴度测量值δ总<δ总max,φ总<φ总max时,表明轴系的()。
  • 同轴度符合要求与否尚不定

  • [单选题]油润滑艉轴承材料常采用()耐磨合金。
  • 白合金

  • [单选题]In general, () is suitable for delivering small quantities at high pressure.
  • reciprocating pump

  • [单选题]The operating diesel generators will have their exhaust temperatures, cooling water and lubricating oil temperatures and pressures () in much the same way as for the main engine.
  • logged

  • [单选题]Whilst the engine is turning, check to see that no water is leaking into the crankcase, scavenge air belt, or from ().
  • the indicator cock

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