正确答案: D

metacognitive strategy

题目:If a teacher asks students to make their own learning plan,he/she is trying to develop their_________.

解析:本题考查学习策略。题干:如果教师让学生制订他们的学习计划,他/她是在培养他们的什么策略?不同的研究者对学习策略有不同的分类,但各种分类法中基本都涉及四种策略,即认知策略、元认知策略、情感策略和交际策略。其中元认知策略( metacognitive strategy)指学生对自己的认知过程及结果进行有效监视及控制的策略,包括计划策略、监控策略和调节策略。计划策略指的是学生对学习等活动的事前规划,如制订学习计划等。故本题选D。

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  • [单选题]如果地面上的物体所受的重力都消失了,不可能出现的现象是( )。
  • 所有物体的质量都会消失

  • 解析:物体所含物质的多少叫质量,是度量物体在同一地点重力势能和动能大小的物理量。它的计算公式为:m=ρV(m为质量,ρ为密度,V为体积)。由此可见,质量只和物质的密度和体积相关,而与是否存在引力无关。所以重力消失,物体的质量本身不会消失。故选择D。

  • [单选题] Plants and animals that have been studied carefully seem to have built-in clocks.These biological clocks, as they are called, usually are not quite exact in measuring time.However, they work pretty well because they are "reset" each day, when the sun comes up. Do pigeons use their biological clocks to help them find directions from the sun?We can keep pigeons in a room lit only by lamps.And we can program the lighting to produce artificial "days", different from the day outside.After a while we have shifted their clocks.Now we take them far away from home and let them go on a sunny day.Most of them start out as if they know just which way to go, but choose a wrong direction.They have picked a direction that would be correct for the position of the sun and the time of day according to their shifted clocks. It is known and experimented that homing pigeons can tell directions by the sun.But what happens when the sky is darkly overcast by clouds and no one can see where the sun is?Then the pigeons still find their way home.The same experiment has been repeated many times on sunny days and the result was always the same.But on very overcast days clock-shifted pigeons are just as good as normal pigeons in starting out in the right directions.So it seems that pigeons also have some extra sense of direction to use when they cannot see the sun. Naturally, people have wondered whether pigeons might have a built-in compass-something that would tell them about the directions of the earth′s magnetic field.One way to test that idea would be to see if a pigeon′s sense of direction can be fooled by a magnet attached to its back. With a strong magnet close by, a compass can no longer tell direction. To test the idea, a group of ten pigeons had strong little magnet bars attached to their backs. Another group carried brass bars instead which were not magnetic.In a number of experiments, both groups were taken away from home and let go.On sunny days none of the magnet-pigeons was fooled.They were just as good as the brass-pigeons in starting out in the right direction toward home.On cloudy, overcast days, however, with no sun the brass-pigeons chose the right direction, but the magnet-pigeons were in trouble.They later started out in different directions and acted completely lost.
  • Which of the following can best describe the organization of the passage?

  • Questions are raised first and then experiments to answer them are cited.

  • 解析:1.根据第一段中的"However,they work pretty well because they are"reset"each day,when the sun comes up."与第二段的实验可推知B项正确。 2.根据第二段中"And we can program the lighting to produce artificial"days",different from the day outside.After a while we have shifted their clocks."可以得知D项正确。 3.根据文中研究太阳和地球磁场对鸽子生物钟影响的实验可知,二者都能帮助鸽子辨别方向。因此C项正确。 4.文章中以"Do pigeons use their biological clocks to help them find directions from the sun?"提出问题,然后通过实验来解答问题。即采用了提出问题一解答问题的模式,因此A项正确。 5.根据文章尾段的最后一个实验可知,在晴天的时候,两组鸽子都能准确辨别方向,因此鸽子在晴天是根据太阳辨别方向,跟磁场无关;在阴天时,背上无磁性铜棒的鸽子才能正确辨别方向,背上有磁棒的鸽子则不能,因此在阴天鸽子根据磁场辨别方向。综上可知,作者意在说明鸽子在不同的天气用不同的方法辨别方向。因此B项正确。

  • [单选题]下列选项中,不属于晚清四大谴责小说的是( )。
  • 《儒林外史》

  • 解析:吴敬梓的《儒林外史》中心内容是抨击僵化的考试制度和由此带来的严重社会问题,但不属于四大晚清谴责小说。故选择B。四大晚清谴责小说:李宝嘉(李伯元)的《官场现形记》、吴沃尧(吴趼人)的《二十年目睹之怪现状》、刘鹗的《老残游记》、曾朴的《孽海花》。

  • [单选题]讲授法是最普遍、历史最悠久的教学方法,它的不足之处在于( )。
  • 不利于学生主动学习

  • 解析:讲授法是教师运用口头语言系统向学生传授知识的一种方法。主要有讲述、讲解、讲读、讲演四种方式。讲授法的缺点是不易发挥学生的主动性和积极性,不利于因材施教,容易造成"填鸭式""满堂灌"的教学效果。故选择D。

  • [单选题] On average, American kids ages 3 to 12 spent 29 hours a week in school, eight hours more than they did in 1981. They also did more household work and participated in more of such organized activities as soccer and ballet. Involvement in sports, in particular, rose almost 50% from 1981 to 1997: boys now spend an average of four hours a week playing sports; girls log half that time. All in all, however, children's leisure time dropped from 40% of the day in 1981 to 25%. "Children are affected by the same time crunch (危机) that affects their parents," says Sandra Hofferth, who headed the recent study of children's timetable. A chief reason, she says, is that more mothers are working outside the home.(Nevertheless, children in both double-income and "male breadwinner" households spent comparable mounts of time interacting with their parents,19 hours and 22 hours respectively. In contrast, children spent only 9 hours with their single mothers.) All work and no play could make for some very messed-up kids."Play is the most powerful way a child explores the world and learns about himself," says T. Berry Brazelton, professor at Harvard Medical School. Unstructured play encourages independent thinking and allows the young to negotiate their relationships with their peers, but kids ages 3 to 12 spent only 12 hours a week engaged in it. The children sampled spent a quarter of their rapidly decreasing "free time" watching television. But that, believe it or not, was one of the findings parents might regard as good news. If they're spending less time in front of the TV set, however, kids aren't replacing it with reading. Despite efforts to get kids more interested in books, the children spent just over an hour a week reading. Let's face it, who's got the time?
  • According to T. Berry Brazelton, it's better for a child if ________.

  • he has enough time to play and explores the world

  • 解析:1.推断题。文中第三段提到“Play is the most powerful way a child explores the world and learns about himself”即玩耍是儿童探索世界和了解自己最有效的方式,D选项符合题意,故选D。 2.细节题。文中第一段提到,现在的孩子每周待在学校的时间比1981年多8个小时,而且参加更多如足球、芭蕾舞等活动,尤其在体育运动上花费的时间也增多了;分别对应选项中的A、B、D。最后一句提到“children's leisure time dropped from 40% of the day in 1981 to25%”,即孩子放松、玩耍的时间变少了。所以C选项不是现在孩子面临的情况,故选C。 3.细节题。文中第二段第二句提到“A chief reason,she says,is that more mothers are working outside the home.”主要原因是更多的妈妈们在外面工作,故选A。 4.细节题。文中第三段最后一句话提到“Unstructured play encourages independent thinking and allows the young to negotiate their relationships with their peers, but kids ages 3 to 12 spent only 12 hours a week engaged in it.”即无组织的玩耍可以鼓励孩子的独立思考,但是3到12岁的孩子每周只有12个小时的时间做这些。所以D选项做更多有组织的活动,是现在孩子的一个很麻烦的问题。 5.细节题。文中最后一段提到,即使他们在电视上花费的时间更少的话,“Despite efforts to get kids more interested in books,the children spent just over an hour a week reading.”即每个孩子每周在阅读上花费的时间也只是一个多小时,故选项D正确。

  • [单选题] The meaning of the sentence is ______.
  • related to its syntactic structure

  • 解析:考查句子的意义。影响句子意义的因素包括词义、句法结构和上下文等,但是句子意思不是单词的简单组合。

  • [多选题]材料:   每年夏天,被冰层覆盖的格陵兰岛大部分地区几乎整日被阳光照射,在很多冰盖上,特别是那些低海拔地区,融冰沿着冰盖表层流动,并聚集成深蓝色的滩地或湖泊,不同于我们能够畅游其中的湖泊,这些水体能够在眨眼之间就消失不见,例如一个比全球最大室内体育场--新奥尔良超级穹顶体育场大上十几倍的湖泊,能够仅仅在90分钟内就从冰缝中排干所有的水。研究者们已经分散到格陵兰岛各地,从细节上调查这些湖泊会怎么影响冰盖及未来海面,伍兹霍尔海洋研究所的地球物理学家萨拉·达斯说,最近的实地考察研究表明,研究者已经知道,当湖泊突然排空时,融冰会被送往基岩,暂时性地对冰盖迁移起着润滑作用。科学家们担心,如果这个区域的气候持续发展,那么湖泊突然排空的现象可能经常发生,并在更大范围的冰盖上出现。那样可能会加速冰盖的崩解,从而导致海平面上升。纽约城市大学的冰川学家马德·德思科认为,冰盖上的湖泊也会加速冰盖融化:湖泊下的冰融化速度比湖泊周围暴露在地面的冰快两倍。今年夏天,德思科使用一艘远程遥控船只,通过实际测量来揭示湖泊的颜色深浅是否与他们的深度有关--这些数据可以帮助研究人员更好地估计卫星图像中地表湖泊的深度,以便更好地预测冰盖的融化速度,加利福尼亚大学洛杉矶分校的地理学家劳伦斯.C.史密斯正在将冰盖表面的融化速度同由融冰积聚而成的河流的流动速度进行比较,如果两者相差甚大,那么这种差距就表示,一部分融冰积聚在了冰盖下,这将提升冰流向大海的速度。(摘编自希德.珀金斯《冰盖上的湖泊》)   问题:   (1)冰盖上的湖泊与普通湖泊的差别是什么?(4分)   (2)请根据文段中的描述,简要分析冰盖上的湖泊会产生的影响。(10分)

  • [单选题]药检局对于五种消炎药进行药效比较,结果如下:甲与乙药效相同;丙比甲有效;丁副作用最大;戊药效最差。因此:
  • 丁比戊药效好

  • 解析:由"戊药效最差"可推出B项正确。由于题干中并未提及丁的药效,因此不能由丙比甲有效推出A项;C、D两项中甲、乙、戊的副作用大小,题干没有交待,也无法由题干中推出。故选择B项。

  • [单选题]我国古代伟大的思想家和教育家孔子所提出的"学而不思则罔,思而不学则殆"意在强调( )。
  • 学习与思考的结合

  • 解析:这句话为孔子所提倡的一种读书学习方法,指的是一味读书而不思考,就会因为不能深刻理解书本的意义而不能合理有效地利用书本的知识,甚至会陷入迷茫。而如果一味空想而不去实实在在地学习和钻研,则终究是沙上建塔,一无所得。告诫我们只有把学习和思考结合起来,才能学到切实有用的知识,否则就会收效甚微。

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