正确答案: A

Because people will have no privacy and can't tell any lies at all.

题目:21.请阅读Passage 1,完成第1~5小题。   Passage 1   Self-driving vehicles threaten to send truck drivers to the unemployment office.Computerprograms can now write journalistic accounts of sporting events and stock price movements.There are even computers that can grade essay exams with reasonable accuracy,which could revolutionizemy own job.Increasingly,machines are providing not only the “brawn” but the brains,too.And thatraises “the question” of where humans fit into this picture-who will prosper and who won't in thisnew kind ofmachine economyr?   Within five years we are likely to have the world's best education,or close to it,online andfree.But not everyone will sit down and go through the material without a professor pushing themto do the work.   Your smartphone will record data on your life and,when asked,will tell you what to do,drawing on data from your home or from your spouse and friends if need be.“You’ve thrown outthat bread the last three times you’ve bought it,give it a pass” will be a text message of the future.How about “Now is not the time to start another argument with your wife”? The GPS is just the beginning of computer-guided instruction.Take your smartphone on a date,and it might vibratein your pocket to indicate “Kiss her now.” If you hesitate for fear of being seen as pushy,it may write:“Who cares ifyou look bad? You are sampling optimally in the quest for a lifetime companion.”   A lot ofjobs will consist of making people feel either very good or very bad about themselves.Coaches,mentors and disciplinarians will spread to many areas oflife,at least for those of us whocan stand to listen to them.These people will cajole us,fiatter us and shame us into improving ourlives,our work habits and our consumption.   Computing and software will make it easier to measure performance and productivity.   It will be harder to gloss over our failings and maintain self-deception.In essence everyone will suffer the fate of professional chess players,who will always know when they have lost a game,have an exact numerical rating for their overall performance,and find excuses for failure hard tocome by.   Individuals will have many measures of their proficiency.They will have an incentive todisclose that information to get the better job or social opportunity.You'll assume the worst aboutthose who keep secrets,and so openness will reign.Many of us will start to hate the idea of Big Data.

解析:推断题。根据最后一段中的“You'll assume the worst about those who keep secrets,and so openness will reign.Many ofus will start to hate the idea ofBig DatA.”可知,大数据让人们没有隐私,并且不能说谎。故本题选A。

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  • [多选题]班级目标管理是一种以制度建设为中心的管理,目的是更好地调动学生的积极性。( )
  • 解析:目标管理是由美国管理学家德鲁克提出的,是一种以自我管理为中心的管理。其目的是为了更好地调动被管理者的积极性。在班级中实施目标管理,就是要围绕全班成员共同确立班级的奋斗目标,将学生个体的发展与班级进步紧密地联系在一起,并在目标的指导下,实施学生的自我管理。

  • [单选题]在影响人际吸引中"近水楼台先得月"属于以下哪种因素的作用?( )
  • 熟悉性和临近性

  • 解析:熟悉能增加吸引的程度。此外如果其他条件大体相当,人们会喜欢与自己邻近的人。熟悉性和邻近性二者均与人们之间的交往频率有关。处于物理空间距离较近的人们,见面机会较多,容易熟悉,产生吸引力,彼此的心理空间就容易接近。常常见面也利于彼此了解,使得相互喜欢。在影响人际吸引中"近水楼台先得月"是属于熟悉性和临近性的作用。故选择A。B选项,人们往往喜欢那些和自己相似的人。相似性主要包括信念、价值观及人格特征的相似:兴趣、爱好等方面的相似;社会背景、地位的相似;年龄、经验的相似。实际的相似性很重要,但更重要的是双方感知到的相似性。当双方在某些方面看起来互补时,彼此的喜欢也会增加。互补可视为相似性的特殊形式。以下三种互补关系会增加吸引和喜欢:需要的互补;社会角色的互补;人格某些特征的互补,如内向与外向。当双方的需要、角色及人格特征都呈互补关系时,所产生的吸引力是非常强大的。C选项,容貌、体态、服饰、举止、风度等个人外在因素在人际情感中的作用也是很大的。尤其是在交往的初期,好的外貌容易给人一种良好的第一印象,人们往往会以貌取人。外貌美能产生光环效应,即人们倾向于认为外貌美的人也具有其他的优秀品质,虽然实际上未必如此。

  • [单选题]四书五经是中国封建社会正统的教育内容,下列不属于四书的是( )。
  • 春秋

  • 解析:《春秋》即《春秋经》,又称《麟经》或《麟史》,中国古代儒家典籍"六经"之一。第一部华夏民族编年史兼历史散文集。作为鲁国的编年史,由孔子修订而成。故选择D。A项,《大学》是一篇论述儒家修身治国平天下思想的散文,是一部中国古代讨论教育理论的重要著作,和《中庸》、《论语》、《孟子》并称"四书"。宋、元以后,《大学》成为学校官定的教科书和科举考试的必读书,对中国古代教育产生了极大的影响。B项,《中庸》是儒家经典的《四书》之一。宋朝的儒学家对中庸非常推崇而将其从《礼记》中抽出独立成书,朱煮则将其与《论语》、《孟子》、《大学》合编为《四书》。C项,《论语》是中国春秋时期一部语录体散文集,主要记录孔子及其弟子的言行。它较为集中地反映了孔子的思想。由孔子弟子及再传弟子编纂而成。东汉列为"七经"之一,南宋时,朱煮将它与《孟子》《大学》《中庸》合称为"四书"。

  • [单选题]肖强在阅读学习过程中,当遇到学习有难度或不熟悉的材料时,能放慢阅读速度或重复阅读。他运用的学习策略是( )。
  • 元认知策略

  • 解析:元认知策略是学生对自己认知过程的认知策略,包括对自己认知过程的了解和控制策略。元认知策略包括三个具体策略,即计划策略、监控策略和调节策略。其中,调节策略是根据对认知活动结果的检查,如发现问题,则采取相应的补救措施,根据对认知策略的效果的检查,及时修正、调整认知策略。肖强在阅渎中遇到学习有难度或不熟悉的材料时,能放慢阅读速度或重复阅读运用的就是元认知策略中的调节策略。

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