正确答案: C

小说界革命 诗界革命

题目:梁启超提倡的是(  )

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  • [单选题]下列诗歌属于绝句的是
  • 杜牧《泊秦淮》

  • [单选题]中国新民主主义革命的中心问题是
  • 农民问题

  • [单选题]By selling special coffee at a coffee cafe, the students are________
  • 回答下面的题目 Every morning, kids from a local high school are working hard.They are making and selling special coffee at a coffee oaf6.They are also making a lot of money.These students can make up to twelve hundred dollars a day.They are selling their special coffee to airplane passengers.After the students get paid, the rest of the money goes to helping a local youth project.These high school students use a space in the Oakland airport.It is usually very crowded.Many people who fly on the planes like to drink the special coffee.One customer thinks that the coffee costs a lot but it is good and worth it.Most customers are pleasant but some are unhappy.They do not like it if the coffee cafe is not open for business.The students earn $6.10 an hour plus tips.They also get school credit while they learn how to run a business.Many of the students enjoy the work although it took some time to learn how to do it.They have to learn how to steam milk, load the pots, and add flavor.It takes some skill and sometimes mistakes are made.The most common mistake is forgetting to add the coffee.Based on the passage, it seems that the purpose of the cafe is to________

  • making a lot of money

  • 解析:第一段。文章未提及学生们学到了很多知识或有了很多经历。选项B是正确的。

  • [单选题]More has been learned since 1945 about the chemical changes in the body than in all human history before ________ time.
  • that

  • 解析:这里指的是在1945年之前的那个时期,并有强调之意。选项B是正确的。【句子大意】自从1945年以来,我们对人体化学变化的了解比1945年之前的整个人类历史所了解的还要多。

  • [单选题]He seems_______ from this university.
  • to havegraduated

  • [单选题]下列词语中有错别字的一组是
  • 灰烬 再接再厉 翔实可信 龙腾虎越

  • [单选题]下列词语中加点字的注音全对的一组是 ( )
  • 肖(xiao)像 稽(qi)首 安步当(deng)车

  • [多选题]眼球的屈光结构有(  )
  • 房水




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