正确答案: A


题目:教育不管是有组织的还是无组织的,系统的还是零碎的,家庭的或是学校的,集体的还是社会的,都是有目的地有计划地培养人的( )。


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  • [单选题]下列关于课程资源的说法正确的是( )。
  • 课程资源具有多样性

  • 解析:课程资源的结构包括校内课程资源和校外课程资源。除了教科书以外,师生本身不同的经历、生活经验、学习方式、教学策略都是非常宝贵、非常直接的课程资源,校内各种专用教室和校内各种活动也是重要的课程资源。校外课程资源主要包括校外图书馆、科技馆、博物馆、网络资源、乡土资源、家庭资源等。

  • [单选题]小学生对乘法运算规则的掌握会有助于其更加熟练地掌握加减运算,这种学习迁移属于( )。
  • 逆向正迁移

  • 解析:顺向迁移是先前学习对后继学习产生的影响,逆向迁移是后继学习对先前学习产生的影响。对于小学生来说,乘法运算的学习一般是在加减运算之后,所以这是一种逆向迁移:正迁移是一种学习对另一种学-J的积极影响,负迁移是一种学习对另一种学习的消极影响。从"有助于"可以看出这是一种正迁移。

  • [单选题]( )是整合所学新知识之间、新1日知识之间的内在联系,形成新的知识结构。
  • 组织策略

  • 解析:题干描述的是组织策略的概念。组织策略即根据知识经验之间的关系,对学习材料进行系统、有序的分类、整理与概括,使之结构合理化。

  • [单选题]教师在课堂时学生不声不响,教师离开课堂之后学生的纪律开始混乱。与这种课堂纪律相关的教师领导方式最可能是( )。
  • 专断型

  • 解析:专断型课堂管理主要依靠教师的权利和课堂纪律:放任型的特点是放任自流,教师放权;民主型是教师在与不在学生的表现是一样的。故选择A。

  • [单选题]教师的人格中有两种特征对教学有显著影响:一是富有激励和想象的倾向性;二是( )。
  • 热心和同情心

  • 解析:研究表明,在教师的人格特征中,有两个重要特征对教学效果有显著作影响,一是教师的热心和同情心:二是教师富于激励和想象的倾向性。

  • [单选题]22.请阅读Passage 2,完成第1~5小题。   Passage 2   Birds are a critical part of our ecological system.But more than ever,birds are threatened byhuman pollution and climate change.   We need the birds to eat insects,move seeds and pollen around,transfer nutrients from sea toland,clean up after the mass death of the annual Pacific salmon runs,or when a wild animal falls anywhere in a field or forest.   How could we enjoy spring without the birds fiitting busily in our garden or dropping by to check out the fiowers in our urban window box? Can you “contemplate” America without the soaring bald eagle,or even those scavengers like the pigeons and gulls that clean up discarded food scrapson our city streets and waterfronts? How diminished our lives would be without “them”?   Scavenging eagles and condors need hunters to behave responsibly and bury,or remove,theremains of any shot deer peppered with fragments of lead bullets.loons,ducks and other water birds will be poISOned by lead bullets and lead fishing sinkers if we allow such objects to drop intheir feeding space.   All sea and shore birds,even the puffins and guillemots of the otherwise pristine Aleutians,need us to make sure that no other heavy metals,like mercury and cadmium,are dumped in rivers and make their way across the oceans.   Birds like the terns,knots and shearwaters that migrate between the far north and deep,deep,south of our planet need people everywhere to cease and desist from filling in their wetland fuelstops and rest stations,and from constructing golfing resorts and factories in their feeding and breeding grounds.   Seabirds are among the most endangered vertebrate species on the planet,with the International Union for Conservation of Nature classifying 97 species as globally threatened,and 17 in thehighest category of critically threatened.Of greatest concern are the pelicans of the southern oceans and the spectacular,but slow-breeding albatross.   Plastic bags must be eliminated from natural environments so sea and shore birds don'tmistakenly carry such debris back to feed their chicks,with invariably lethal consequences.The albatross,cormorants and herons need us to stop over-fishing and compromising their normal foodsupply.   The pelicans,pengujns and all the birds that inhabit,or visit,our coastlines need us to ensurethat we do not dump oil into gulfs and bays,or release so much carbon dioxide into the atmospherethat the oceans turn acidic and we lose the mussels and oysters,the mass of calcareous plankton thatfeeds so many creatures,and the coral reefs that nurture enormous numbers of edible species.   Think about it:We share this small green planet.As they fly,feed and nest,the birds monitorthe health of the natural world for us,provided that we,in turn,make the effort to access that keyinformation.The birds and humans are both large,complex and ultimately vulnerable organisms that inhabitthe top ofthe food chain.At the end of the day,their fate will be our fate.
  • What does the author intend to do in writing the passage?

  • To explain a basic tie between birds and human beings.

  • 解析:主旨题。文章第一段指出鸟类是生态系统的关键一环,但是鸟类正面临前所未有的人为污染和气候变化的威胁;第二、三段介绍鸟类对生态环境、城市以及人类生活的重要性;第四至九段介绍人类应该如何保护鸟类;最后两段再次点明鸟类和人类是相互依存的关系,最终,它们的命运就是我们的命运。由此可见作者写此文的目的是为了解释鸟类和人类的基本关系,故本题选D。

  • 必典考试
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