正确答案: D

The frame

题目:() are mounted on and bolted to the bed-plate cross girders.

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  • [单选题]液压拉伸器的液系统中应使用纯净的()作为工作用油。Ⅰ.液压油;Ⅱ.润滑油;Ⅲ.高级润滑油;Ⅳ.气缸油;Ⅴ.透平油。
  • Ⅰ+Ⅴ

  • [单选题]柴油机未装连杆状态下,盘车一周可测得曲轴()个臂距值。
  • 4

  • [单选题]轴系理论中心线用来确定()。
  • 主机和轴系位置

  • [单选题]The machine has stopped rotating because the bearing () the shaft.
  • seized

  • [单选题]The ability of the governor to prevent fluctuations in engine speed is termed ().
  • stability

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