正确答案: C



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  • [单选题]对商船动力装置的基本要求是()。
  • A+B+C

  • [单选题]大量产品的故障率随时间变化的规律曲线[λ(t)-t)]称为()。
  • 故障率曲线

  • [单选题]劣质渣油中含有(),使用中使烟灰增加且具有粘性,是烟灰发生沉积的重要原因()。Ⅰ.灰分;Ⅱ.残炭;Ⅲ.硫分
  • Ⅰ+Ⅱ+Ⅲ

  • [单选题]针阀与针阀体进行滑动试验时,一般将针阀抽出1/3左右后观察其()的情况。
  • 表面磨损

  • [单选题]增压器发生故障后锁住转子的措施简便,起到了缓解故障和防止故障扩大的作用,但缺点是()。
  • 长时间锁住转子将引起变形

  • [单选题]A diesel engine is similar to a gasoline engine except that the former has no ().
  • spark plug

  • [单选题]Heat energy is a source of power, but () will cause damage to the engine.
  • excessive heat

  • [单选题]A dirty diesel engine oil filter element can best be detected by ().
  • the pressure drop across the filter

  • [单选题]If the main engine of an unattended engine room shuts down automatically, it will be indicated by an alarm ().
  • All of the above are correct

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