正确答案: C

stability at large angles of inclination

题目:The amount of freeboard which a ship possesses has a tremendous effect on its().

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  • [单选题]某轮在某装载状态下的某处水尺标志如图所示,则该处吃水为()。
  • C.6.95m

  • [单选题]船舶由水密度ρ=1.010g/cm3的水域驶入标准海水水域,吃水约减小()。
  • A.1.5%

  • [单选题]A neutral equilibrium position for a vessel means that the metacenter is().
  • at the same height as the center of gravity

  • [单选题]Load line regulations are designed to insure that a vessel has adequate structural strength and sufficient().
  • stability

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