正确答案: C


题目:小强腿有残疾,具有接受普通教育的能力,该上初中了,当地普通学校以小强腿有残疾为理由,拒绝其入校学习。该做法( )


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  • [单选题]"中华人民共和国成立于1949年",这属于以下哪类知识?( )
  • 陈述性知识

  • 解析:陈述性知识,也叫"描述性知识"。它是指个人具有有意识的提取线索,而能直接加以回忆和陈述的知识。主要是用来说明事物的性质、特征和状态,用于区别和辨别事物。"中华人民共和国成立于1949年"是一种描述性的知识。

  • [单选题]Passage 2   Teacher education provided by U. S.colleges and universities has been routinely criticized since its inception in the earlynineteenth century, sometimes deservedly.These programs, like non-university programs,are uneven in quality and can be improved.What makes today's criticisms different is an aggressive effort by advocacy groups, andself-proclaimed educational entrepreneurs to deregulate the preparation of teachers, and to expand independent, alternative routes intoteaching.   This effort to “disrupt” the field of teacherpreparation in the United States has gained considerable momentum and legitimacy,with venture capitalists, philanthropy, and theU. S Department of Education all providingsponsorship and substantial funding.   The strength of this effort is that the UnitedStates may quickly seek to dismantle itsuniversity system and replace much of it withindependent, private programs. The resultingsystem of teacher preparation may differ dramatically in its governance, structure,content, and processes moving away fromits current location alongside legal, medical,and other professional preparation thatpairs academic degrees with professionaltraining.   Throughout the nation, states are reportingteacher shortages in particular subject areas and geographical locations, and several stateshave either passed legislation to lower thestandards for becoming a teacher or, like thestate of Washington, have looked towards expanding the number of teacher educationproviders to try to fill teaching vacancies.The federal government has contributed tothe push to lower standards for becoming a teacher with the Teacher Preparation Academy provision in the new K-12 educationlaw, the Every Students Succeeds Act, which encourages states to expand the number ofindependent programs not associated with colleges and universities.   Because of the increasing tuition rates, a consequence in part, of cuts in funding topublic universities that continue to educatemost U. S. teachers, enrollments in college and university teacher education programshave declined in many parts of the country.Independent teacher education programs are being viewed by some as an importantpart of the solution in staffing the nation's classrooms and addressing our serious and enduring problems in education inequities.Additionally, advocacy groups, philanthropists,and so-called education entrepreneurs are working aggressively to expandthese independent alternative routes into teaching.   Given the seriousness of the teachershortage problem in the United States andthe substantial media attention that has been given to independent teacher educationprograms as the solution to teacher shortages and education inequities, policy makersshould very carefully examine the evidencethat exists about the nature and impact ofthese relatively new programs that are rapidly expanding while university teacher education enrollments decline.
  • Which of the following is true of theindependent teacher education programs?

  • They are initiated to deal with teachershortages and education inequities

  • 解析:根据最后一段中的“Giventhe seriousnessoftheteacher shortage probleminthe UnitedStates and the substantial media attentionthat has been given to independent teacher education programs as the solution to teachershortages and education equities可知。由于美国教师短缺的严重问题,还有大量媒体对于私立师范教育的关注,私立师范教育被认为是解决师资短缺和教育不公的方法。故选择A。

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