正确答案: A


题目:李老师就校务公开问题向学校提建议,李老师的做法是( )。


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  • [单选题]教育行政部门取缔了一批违反国家规定私自招收未成年学生的私立学校。教育行政部门这一行政行为的法律依据是( )。
  • 《中华人民共和国教育法》

  • 解析:《中华人民共和国教育法》第二十七条对办学条件的规定,设立学校及其他教育机构必须具备下列基本条件:有组织机构和章程;有合格的教师;有符合规定标准的教学场所及设施、设备等:有必备的办学资金和稳定的经费来源。题目中的私立学校违反国家规定私自招生,违反了《教育法》,故选择A。

  • [单选题]下列选项中,年龄与称谓对应不正确的是( )。
  • 男子50岁一一不惑之年

  • 解析:男子50岁称为半百、知天命:男子40称之为不惑、强壮之年。故选择D。

  • [单选题]两耳失聪后仍坚持音乐创作的是( )。
  • 贝多芬

  • 解析:贝多芬,德国最伟大的作曲家,双耳失聪坚持创作。主要作品:第三交响曲《英雄》、第五交响曲《命运》、第六交响曲《田园》、第七交响曲、第九交响曲《合唱》等。答案CA舒伯特,奥地利浪漫主义音乐的代表人物,被后人评价为"古典主义音乐"的最后一位巨匠。主要作品:《魔王》、《野玫瑰》、《圣母颂》等。B莫扎特,奥地利音乐家,被称为"音乐神童",主要作品:《费加罗的婚礼》、《唐璜》等。D门德尔松,德国浪漫乐派最具代表性的人物之一,被誉为浪漫主义杰出的"抒情风景画大师"。主要作品:《仲夏夜之梦》序曲、《苏格兰交响曲》和《意大利交响曲》。

  • [多选题]影响教育因素既有硬件因素、软件因素,也有间接影响教学活动的"大气候"因素和"小气候"因素,总体来说,包括( )。
  • 物质环境




  • 解析:影响教育的因素主要包括内因和外因。主要有物质环境、心理环境、家庭环境和社会环境。

  • [单选题]儿童在熟悉了"哈密瓜""西瓜""菠萝"等概念之后,再学习"水果"这一概念,按照奥苏伯尔的学习分类理论,这种学习属于( )。
  • 上位学习

  • 解析:上位学习是指新概念、新命题具有较广的包容面或较高的概括水平,这时,新知识通过把一系列已有观念包含于其下而获得意义,新学习的内容便与学生认知结构中已有观念产生了一种上位关系。"哈密瓜""西瓜""菠萝"等概念属于已有的较低层次的知识,"水果"属于较高层次的概念,因此这种学习是上位学习。

  • [单选题]某中学班主任王老师发现,班里的几个同学总是凑在一块,交往密切,在班级活动中也表现出独特的默契。于是,他以这几位同学为核心,鼓励他们带领班级参加学校活动。因表现优秀.学生和班集体多次荣获嘉奖。我们可以看出,王老师工作的中心是( )。
  • 组织和培养班集体

  • 解析:王老师作为班主任,其工作的中心是组织和培养班集体。了解和研究学生是班主任工作的前提和基础。

  • [单选题] ______ the weather, the sports meeting will be held on time.
  • Regardless of

  • 解析:考查短语辨析。句意为" 天气怎样,运动会如期举行"。in favor of"赞成",regardless of"不管,不顾",apart from"除了……之外",due to"由于"。

  • [单选题]请阅读 Passage 2,完成 1~5小题。   Passage 2   Old stereotypes die hard.Picture a video-game player and you will likely imagine a teenage boy,by himself,compulsively hammering away at a game involving rayguns and aliens that splatter when blasted.Ten years ago that might have bome some relation to reality.But today a gamer is as likely to be a middle-aged commuter playing "Angry Birds" on her smartphone.In AmericA.the biggest market,the average game-player is 37 years old.Two-fifths are female.   Over the past ten years the video-game industry has grown from a small business to a huge, mainstream one.With global sales of $56 billion in 2010,it is more than twice the size of the recorded-music industry.Despite the downturn,it is growing by almost 9% a year.   Is this success due to luck or skill? The answer matters,because the rest of the entertainment industry has tended to treat gaming as being a lucky beneficiary of broader technological changes. Video gaming,unlike musiC.film or television,had the luck to be born digital.In fact,there is plenty for old media to learn.   Video games have certainly been swept along by two forces: demography and technology.The first gaming generation-the children of the 1970s and early 1980s-is now over 30.Many still love gaming,and can afford to spend far more on it now.Meanwhile rapid improvements in computing power have allowed game designers to offer experiences that are now often more cinematic than the cinema.   But even granted this good fortune,the game-makers have been clever.They have reached out to new customers with new methods.They have branched out into education,corporate training and even warfare,and have embraced digital downloads and mobile devices with enthusiasm.Though big-budget games are still popular,much of the growth now comes from "casual" games that are simple,cheap and playable in short bursts on mobile phones or in web browsers.   The industry has excelled in a particular area-pricing.In an era when people are disinclined to pay for content on the weB.games publishers were quick to develop "freemium" models,where you rely on non-paying customers to build an audience and then extract cash only from a fanatical few.   As gaming comes to be seen as just another medium,its tech-savvy approach could provide a welcome shot in the arm for existing media groups.
  • What can you learn from "freemium" model?

  • It makes money only from a few fanatical customers.

  • 解析:细节题。根据第六段中的“…‘freemium' models,where you rely on non-paying customers to build an audience and then extract cash only from a fanatical few”可知“免费增值”模式依赖不付费的顾客来扩大客户群,然后从少量痴迷的顾客身上赚钱。C项是原文“extract cash only from a fanatical few”的同义复现,为正确答案。A项为张冠李戴,且不符合事实。B项将build an audience偷梁换柱为make a profit。D项属于主观推断,原文并未提及。

  • [单选题]某中学校长对素质教育检查组说:“我们学校对素质教育十分重视,课外活动开展得丰富多彩,有科技小组、美术小组、音乐小组……但现在学生正在上课,下午课外活动时,请你们指导。”该校长对素质教育的理解
  • 不正确,素质教育不等于课外活动

  • 解析:素质教育是依据人的发展和社会发展的需要,以全面提高全体学生的基本素质为根本目的,以尊重学生主体性和主动精神,注重开发人的智慧潜能,形成人的健全个性为根本特征的教育。学校可以从以下方面来实施素质教育:学校管理;课外、校外教育活动;中小学班主任工作;教师业务水平。课外、校外教育只是实施素质教育的途径之一,但是素质教育并不等于课外活动。题干中,校长错误地把素质教育认为是课外活动,是不正确的,所以此题选A。

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