正确答案: C

either A or B

题目:Low compression results from ().

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  • [单选题]对于可靠性和可靠度的表述,不能采用的是()。
  • 可靠性与可靠度都有严格的定义,任何时候都不可混同起来

  • [单选题]柴油机某缸连杆已装的状态下,盘车一周可测得曲轴()个臂距值。
  • 5

  • [单选题]Each cylinder has one starting valve which is usually opened by air pressure and closed by ()
  • spring force

  • [单选题]In the () pressure charging system the pulse of energy that occur as the exhaust is released from the cylinder to improve the output of the turbocharger.
  • pulse

  • [单选题]Rotating flyweights acting against spring pressure make a simple type of ().
  • governor

  • [单选题]The amount of lubricating oil in the drain tank should be checked by ().
  • sounding rod

  • [单选题]The main bearing shells often have a thin () of lead or indium to provide a layer giving protection against corrosion.
  • flash

  • [单选题]Lube oil filters remove contaminants more efficiently if the oil being filtered is ().
  • heated to reduce viscosity

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