正确答案: C


题目:Each crank is made up of two crank webs joined by a common() to which the bottom endbearing is fitted.

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  • [单选题]可靠性定义中所述及的“规定的条件”,包括()。Ⅰ.环境温度、压力、湿度;Ⅱ.振动;Ⅲ.承受的负荷
  • Ⅰ+Ⅱ+Ⅲ

  • [单选题]柴油机运转中,根据()现象可迅速判断柴油机燃烧室零件是否产生穿透性裂纹。Ⅰ.冷却水压力表指针波动;Ⅱ.冲车时有水珠喷出;Ⅲ.缸壁面有锈痕;Ⅳ.膨胀水柜水位变化;Ⅴ.曲轴箱油位升高。
  • Ⅰ+Ⅳ+Ⅴ

  • [单选题]船轴腐蚀主要发生在()。
  • 艉轴

  • [单选题]平板形舵具有()的特点。Ⅰ.结构复杂;Ⅱ.便于修造;Ⅲ.舵效高;Ⅳ.舵效低;Ⅴ.成本低。
  • Ⅱ+Ⅳ+Ⅴ

  • [单选题]() is made of a boss with separated blades mounted into it.
  • A variable pitch propeller

  • [单选题]As to the low speed diesel engine, if you want to change the coolant flow for a certain cylinder, you can regulate ().
  • the outlet valve

  • [单选题]Excessive alkalinity of the water in an auxiliary boiler can cause ().
  • caustic embrittlement of the boiler metal

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