正确答案: A

turning gear

题目:Engage the flywheel with the ().

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  • [单选题]可靠性对船舶动力装置具有特别重要的意义,可靠性不足会()。
  • A+B

  • [单选题]废气锅炉出口排烟温度t2不应低于露点,为了最大限度利用排气余热,在标定工况下,t2=露点+△t(℃),式中△t不应小于()℃.
  • 25

  • [单选题]Care and cleanliness are required when installing diesel fuel filters ().
  • both of the above

  • [单选题]If the engine does start on air, but combustion does not immediately begin, the cause may be ().
  • the turning gear still engaged

  • [单选题]The figure that the volume of air at BDC is divided by the volume of air at TDC is termed as().
  • compression ratio

  • [单选题]The film of oil between the rings and the liner is not only essential for the lubrication but also plays an important part in achieving ().
  • a gas seal

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