正确答案: D



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  • [单选题]在船上吊缸检修时,为了安全不仅要遵守吊运安全规则,而且()。
  • 严禁超重吊运

  • [单选题]目前铁梨木艉轴承最好的代用材料是()。
  • 赛龙

  • [单选题]A common trouble with the fuel pump plunger or fuel valve spindle is ().
  • oil leakage

  • [单选题]Dirt in the fuel oil system of a diesel engine can cause ().
  • clogged filters

  • [单选题]The main bearings are provided with thin-walled (), lined with a copper-lead alloy.
  • steel shells

  • [单选题]Mist detectors used on large low-speed main propulsion diesel engines monitor and check for the presence of ().
  • lube oil vapors in the crank case

  • [单选题]On a medium-speed main propulsion diesel engine, the crank-pin or crank journal bearings receive lubricating oil from ().
  • drilled passages in the crankshaft

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