正确答案: A
题目:著名的书法字体"瘦金体"是由哪个皇帝所创?( )
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[单选题]学生小张在暑假期间擅自翻越学校围墙,导致右腿摔伤。对于小张所受伤害,下列选项中正确的是( )。
[单选题]下列选项中,不属于天然光源的是( )。
[单选题]某机构决定从五位业务骨干中选派一人到国外学习,这五位骨干分别是赵、钱、孙、李、周。在决定选派人选之前有如下对话:赵说:或者是我去,或者是孙去;钱说:周不去;孙说:如果不是李去,那么就是钱去;李说:既不是我去,也不是钱去;周说:既不是孙去,也不是赵去。最终确定人选后发现以上对话中只有两个人说对了,那么被选中的是( )。
[单选题]在教育教学实施的前期阶段开展的,旨在了解学生现有知识、技能、态度等基本情况的评价,属于( )。
[单选题]如果一个家长想用看电视作为强化物奖励儿童认真按时完成作业的行为,最合适的安排应该是( )。
[单选题]学校常常运用"不准随地吐痰""不准乱扔垃圾"等道德禁令来约束学生的不良行为。从德育层次的角度说,这属于( )。
[单选题]Passage 1
In recent years, however, society has cometo understand the limitations of schoolsthat merely sort and rank students. We have discovered that students in the bottomone-third to one-half of the rank order-plus all who drop out before being ranked--fail to develop the foundational reading,writing, and mathematical proficiencies needed to survivein, let alone contribute to, an increasingly technically complex and ethnically diverse culture. So today, in asking schools toleave no child behind, society is asking that educators raise up the bottom of therank-order distribution to a specified level of competence. We call those expectations our academic achievement standards Every statehas them, and, as a matter of public policy,schools are to be held accountable for lakingsure that all students meet them.
To be clear, the mission of sorting has not been eliminated from the schooling process.For the foreseeable future, students will still be ranked at the end of high school. However,society now dictates that such a celebration of differences in amount learned must start at a certain minimum level of achievement for all.
The implications of this change in missionfor the role of assessment are profound.
Assessment and grading procedures designecto permit only a few students to succeed(those at the top of the rank-order distribution)must now be revised to permit the possibilitythat all students could succeed at some appropriate level. Furthermore, proceduresthat permitted(perhaps even encouraged)some students to give up in hopelessness andto stop trying must now be replaced by othersthat promote hope and continuous effort.In short, the entire emotional environment surrounding the prospect of being evaluated must change, especially for perennial low achievers.
The students' mission is no longer merelyto beat other students in the achievementrace. At least part of their goal must be to become competent. Teachers must believethat all students can achieve a certain levelof academic success, must bring all of theirstudents to believe this of themselves, must accommodate the fact that students learn at different rates by making use of differentiat edinstruction, and must guide all studentstoward the attainment of standards.The driving dynamic force for students cannot merely be competition for an artificialscarcity of success. Because all students can and must succeed in meeting standards,cooperation and collaboration must come intoplay.
The driving forces must be confidence,optimism, and persistence--for all, not justfor some. All students must come to believethat they can succeed at learning if theytry. They must have continuous access to evidence of what they believe to be credible academic success, however small. This new understanding has spawned increased interest in formative assessment in recent years.
Which of the following is closest in meaningto the underlined word"accommodate" inParagraph 4?
解析:根据画线词定位到文章倒数第二段的最后一句.该句包含四个小分句,采用了平行结构“must+v.”。此处accommodate有“承认,接受”的意思。当它表示“(使)适应”时常用的搭配为accommodate(sb.)to sth.故选择C。
[单选题]In writing,which step is used to get students to think freely and put down all possible ideasrelated to the topic that come to their minds?
[单选题]When asking students to arrange the scrambled sentences into a logical paragraph,theteacheris focusing on________.
textual coherence