正确答案: B


题目:The project team members should also be aware of one of the fundamental tenets of modern quality management: quality is planned, designed and built in, not()

解析:该题的关键词为"planned、designed、built in",其关键的语句结构为"quality(主语)is planned,designed and built in,not()(谓语)",含义为"质量是通过计划、设计、制造而得到的,不是什么",易知此处应该选择与计划、设计、制造方式相反的观点,结合四个选项,CD首先可以排除,因为从形式上应该选择过去分词形式。选项A的含义与built in相似,排除法可以得到选项B,其实这句话是质量管理中一个非常著名的说法,原文可译为:项目组成员应该知道现代质量管理的一个基本原则,即质量是通过计划、设计和制造得到的,而不是通过事后检查得到。

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  • [单选题]()is the budgeted amount for the work actually completed on the schedule activity or WBS component during a giving time period.
  • Earned value

  • 解析:该题的关键词为"budgeted amount for the work actually completed",其语句结构为"()(主语)is(谓语)the budgeted amount for the work actually completed",含义为"什么是实际完成工作对应的预算",容易判断该语句正是挣值( Earned value)的定义。

  • [单选题]Project()Management includes the processes required to ensure that theproj ect includes all the work required, and only the work required, to complete the project successfully.
  • Scope

  • 解析:该题的关键词为"all the work required, only the work required",其语句结构为"Project()Management(主语)includes(谓语)the processes",含义为"项目什么管理包含过程",仅根据关键词便可判断出应该与项目范围管理紧密相关,在结合语句分析,应该选择项目范围管理,即Scope。

  • [单选题]()is a category assigned to products or services having the samefunctional use but different technical characteristics. Itisnotsameasquality.
  • Grade

  • 解析:该题的关键词为"same functional use、 different technical characteristics",其主要语句结构为" ()is a category",含义为"什么是类别",后续的定语从句说明category都有什么特点,即功能相同而技术特征不同,而这正是等级( Grade)的定义。所以选择选项B。

  • [单选题]Your project is behind schedule due to conflict between team members . Havingresolved the conflict, to get the project back on schedule , you should consider ().
  • crashing the schedule

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