• [单选题]The process of()schedule activity durations uses information on schedule activityscope of work, required resource types, estimated resource quantities, and resource calendarswith resource availabilities.
  • 正确答案 :A
  • estimating

  • 解析:该题的关键词为"schedule activity durations",其语句结构为"The process(主语)of()schedule activity durations uses(谓语)information",语句的含义为"(?)进度活动持续时间的过程使用信息",结合选项,此处应该选择动词,所以观察对进度活动持续时间采取什么行为会应用到各种信息(information on schedule activity scope of work, required resource types, estimated resource quantities, and resource calendars with resource availabilities),只有在估算进度活动持续时间时才会使用这些信息得到活动的工期,其他选项容易排除,因而选项A符合题意要求。

  • [单选题]The project()is a key input to quality planning since it documents major project deliverables, the project objectives that serve to define important stakeholder requirements,thresholds, and acceptance criteria.
  • 正确答案 :B
  • scope statement

  • 解析:该题的关键词为"major project deliverables、the project objectives",其语句结构为"The project (主语)is(谓语)akey input to quality planning(表语)since it documentsmaj or proj ect deliverables,the project objectives(原因状语从句)",含义为"项目的什么是质量计划的一个关键输入,因为它记录了主要的项目交付物和项目目标",容易判断出应该为项目范围说明书的作用,应该选择选项B。

  • [单选题]Developing the project schedule is often an iterative process. It determines the planned start and finish dates for project activities and milestones. Schedule development can require the review and revision of duration estimates and resource estimates to create an approved project schedule that can serve as a baseline to()progress.
  • 正确答案 :B
  • track

  • 解析:该题的关键词为"project schedule、 baseline",其主要的语句结构为一个定语从句结构"project schedule that (主语)can serve as (谓语)a baseline to_progress",含义为"项目进度可以作为怎么样项目进展的基线",根据题意,容易判断对项目进度进行跟踪,所以选择选项B。

  • [单选题]In which form of projects origination would the project manager be likely to exercise the most control over Project resources.()
  • 正确答案 :B
  • Projectized

  • [单选题]In the process of communication requirement analysis, the project manager should consider the number of potential communication channels or paths as an indicator of the complexity of a project's communication. According to Metcalfe's Law, a project with 10 stakeholders has()potential communication channels.
  • 正确答案 :B
  • 45

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    推荐科目: 管理科学基础知识题库 专业英语题库 典型应用集成技术题库 初级信息处理技术员题库 项目风险管理题库 项目质量管理题库 外包管理题库 需求管理题库 项目人力资源管理题库 组织级项目管理与大型项目管理题库
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