正确答案: B

delivery of

题目:The container operator looks forward to()the goods before the end of this month.

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  • [单选题]As wholesalers(批发商) we are ____ to handle large quantities.
  • in a position

  • [单选题]We are anxious to()the market for our Antimony Trioxide,which at present enjoys alimited sale in Europe.
  • expand

  • [单选题]It should be()if you could immediately()what quantity you can supply us at present.
  • appreciated,advise

  • [单选题]()compensation trade, we mean to pay for your machines with articles produced.
  • By

  • [单选题]With this()mind, we are writing to inquire if we could now begin discussing the question of sole agency.
  • in

  • [单选题]We()some brochures()to illustrate the types of materials we manufacture.
  • enclose;---

  • [单选题]()is the largest free trade area in the area.
  • The NAFTA

  • [单选题]The WTO hasnot()the issue of the trade in agricultural products.
  • addressed

  • 推荐下载科目: 第一篇外经贸外语(英语)题库 (一)外贸术语英汉互译题库 (六)汉英经贸短文互译题库 (二)单项选择题题库
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