正确答案: B



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  • [单选题]气缸套的内径增量ΔD=()(D为名义直径)。
  • Dmax-D

  • [单选题]一般情况下,要求针阀的锥角较阀座的锥角大()。
  • A.0.5°~1.0°

  • [单选题]当气阀阀面出现麻点、腐蚀时可采用()工艺修复。
  • 以上均可

  • [单选题]船轴磨损后应检测其()。
  • 工作轴颈

  • [单选题]螺旋桨桨叶B区内的较小缺陷,深度<t为/30(t为叶厚,mm)或3mm可以采用()其中较大的缺陷。
  • 修磨

  • [单选题]Once a fire is detected the engine should be slowed downOn no account ().
  • should the trunking be opened up

  • [单选题]The () in the injector will lift at a pre-set pressure which ensures that the fuel will atomize once it enters the cylinder.
  • needle valve

  • [单选题]The conclusion that mechanical efficiency is always () 100 percent is correct.
  • less tha

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