正确答案: B



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  • [单选题]海船燃气动力装置中效率最高的是()。
  • 低速柴油机

  • [单选题]在进行船舶动力装置设计时,为了找出合理利用余热的途径,必须考虑()。Ⅰ.整个船舶的能量平衡;Ⅱ.各个耗能设备的热平衡
  • Ⅰ十Ⅱ

  • [单选题]航行中,主柴油机发生拉缸事故,依据拉缸程度、海况等情况分别可采取()的应急措施。Ⅰ.继续航行;Ⅱ.停车;Ⅲ.吊缸检修;Ⅳ.简单的减缸航行;Ⅴ.完全减缸航行。
  • Ⅱ+Ⅲ+Ⅳ+Ⅴ

  • [单选题]某些新型大型低速柴油机的气缸盖上,设有用来拆卸缸盖螺帽的液压装置(液压环)和配备了专用环形六角扳手,该扳手的作用是()。
  • 液压装置失效时,用来松开缸盖螺帽

  • [单选题]对使用液压撑杆螺栓的正置式主轴承,因其一端顶在轴承盖上,另一端顶在()上,所以在上紧贯穿螺栓之前,必须先()全部撑杆螺栓。
  • 机架/松开

  • [单选题]A distance piece, with ground faces, known as a compression plate, may be interposed between the rod and the beating housing, its thickness being chosen to ensure the correct ().
  • compression ratio

  • [单选题]Mist detectors used on large low-speed main propulsion diesel engines monitor and check for the presence of ().
  • lube oil vapors in the crank case

  • [单选题]Lube oil pumps taking suction from the sump of most small marine engines are usually ().
  • of the positive displacement type

  • [单选题]Lube oil filters remove contaminants more efficiently if the oil being filtered is ().
  • heated to reduce viscosity

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