正确答案: C


题目:我国科举考试中有"连中三元"之说,其中"三元"指的是( )。


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  • [单选题]《三字经》中"融四岁,能让梨"的"融"指是( )。
  • 孔融

  • 解析:《三字经》的这段话,取自孔融让梨的典故。故选择A。B选项,马融,东汉学者。C选项,符融,前秦皇帝苻坚之弟,前秦将领,曾参与淝水之战,被东晋击败。苻坚、符融大败后,留下成语"风声鹤唳"、"草木皆兵"。D选项,祝融,古代传说中的火神,楚国始祖。

  • [单选题]不能将书本上的内容采集为数字图像存储到计算机中的设备是( )。
  • 打印机

  • 解析:数码相机、扫描仪、手机都属于图像输入设备,可以将书本上的图片信息存储到计算机设备上:C选项打印机是输出设备,无法存储相关信息,故选择C。

  • [多选题]简述在教学过程中保持学生有意注意的策略。

  • [单选题]下列学习策略中,不属于资源管理策略的是( )。
  • 调节策略

  • 解析:资源管理策略包括时间管理策略、努力管理策略、环境管理策略、资源利用策略。调节策略属于元认知策略。

  • [单选题]根据我国食品卫生法的规定,食品添加剂是为改善食物的色、香、味等品质,以及为防腐和加工工艺的需要而加入食品中的人工合成或者天然物质。其中,山梨酸钾、苯甲酸钠是( )。
  • 防腐剂

  • 解析:作为食品用添加剂的山梨酸钾和苯甲酸钠,其用途为防止食品腐败,是常用的防腐剂。

  • [单选题]When the teacher asks students to read a text for the main ideA.he/she intends to developstudents' skill of________.
  • skimming

  • 解析:本题考查阅读技能。题干:教师让学生读文章获取大意,目的是训练学生的什么能力?A项“复述”,B项“预测”,C项“略读”,D项“寻读”。略读是一种快速浏览的阅读方式,其目的是了解文章的大意。故本题选C。

  • [单选题]22.请阅读Passage 2,完成第1~5小题。   Passage 2   The Ancient Greek philosopher Pythagoras is best known today for his mathematical theorem,which haunts the dreams of many geometry students,but for centuries he was also celebrated as thefather of vegetarianism.A meatless diet was referred to as a“Pythagorean diet”for years,up untilthe modern vegetarian movement began in the mid-1800s.   While Pythagoras was an early proponent of a meatless diet,humans have been vegetarianssince well before recorded history.Most anthropologists agree that early humans would have eaten apredominantly plant-based diet;after all,plants can't run away.Additionally,our digestive systemsresemble those of herbivores closer than camivorous animals.Prehistoric man ate meat,of course,but plants formed the basis of his diet.   Pythagoras and his many followers practiced vegetarianism for several reasons,mainly dueto religious and ethical objections.Pythagoras believed all living beings had souls.Animals wereno exception,so meat and fish were banished from his table.Strangely enough,he also banished avegetable that has a place of honor on most vegetarian menus today,the“humble”bean.His followerswere forbidden to eat or even touch beans,because he thought beans and humans were created fromthe same material.Fava beans were especially bad,as they have hollow steams that could allow thesouls ofthe dead to travel up from the soil into the growing beans.   While the edict against beans was lifted not long after Pythagoras' death,his followers continued to eat a meatless diet.His principles infiuenced generations of academics and religiousthinkers,and it was a group of these like-minded individuals who founded the Vegetarian Societyin English in the mid-1800s.The virtues of temperance,abstinence and self-control were all tied tovegetarian ideals,while lust,drunkenness and general hooliganism all resulted from a diet too richin meat products.Notable early vegetarians included Leo Tolstoy,George Bernard Shaw,MahatmaGandhi and American Bronson Alcott,a Transcendentalist teacher,reformer and the father oflittleWomen author Louisa May Alcott.   It wasn't until the 1960s that vegetarianism moved into mainstream American life and themovement's growth picked up speed in the 1970s when a young graduate student named FrancisMoore Lappe wrote a book called Diet for a Small Planet.In it,she advocated a meatless diet not for ethical or moral reasons,but because plant-based foods have much less impact on the environmentthan meat does.Today,many vegetarians refuse meat because of animal rights issues,or concernsover animal treatment,a principle first espoused in Peter Singer's 1975 work Animal Liberation.
  • What issue were vegetarians in the mid-1800s in England primary reason with whenrefusing to eat meat?

  • Moral purity.

  • 解析:推断题。根据第四段第三句可知十九世纪中叶的素食主义者不吃肉是因为他们认为好色、酗酒、无赖都是由吃肉引起的。故答案为D。

  • 必典考试
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