正确答案: A



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  • [单选题]柱塞-套筒偶件卡紧或咬死是由于()原因所致。Ⅰ.机械杂质;Ⅱ.油压过高;Ⅲ.配合间隙太小;Ⅳ.零件材料热处理不完善;Ⅴ.材质不佳。
  • B.Ⅰ+Ⅲ+Ⅳ+Ⅴ

  • [单选题]YJ17/YJ19卷烟机上主要采用的带传动有三角带、()、圆形带、平带等。
  • 同步齿形带

  • [单选题]增压四冲程柴油机当停增压器运转时,可做的调整工作是()。
  • 适当增大气阀间隙

  • [单选题]After the engine is warned, we should() the turning gear before starting up the engine.
  • take out

  • [单选题]At least () cylinders in four-stroke engine will be configured to ensure that the engine can be started with the crankshaft at whatever position.
  • 6

  • [单选题]The burning of the fuel adds more heat to the air charge, causing it to expand and force the engine piston to do work on the crankshaftWhat does “it” mean in this sentence?()
  • the air charge

  • [单选题]The engine is started with () supplied from air receivers.
  • compressed air

  • [单选题]One method of constructing large marine diesel engines and reducing the total engine frame weight is through ().
  • welding plates to form sections for assembly

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