正确答案: B



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  • [单选题]串联连接系统的可靠度()组成该系统各部件可靠度的()。
  • 等于/乘积数

  • [单选题]动力装置长期在部分负荷下工作,废热锅炉排烟温度t2过低,对废热利用设备的维护管理是()。
  • 不利的

  • [单选题]经修理的涡轮壳体要经过()的水压试验,合格后方可使用。
  • 1.5倍工作压力

  • [单选题]Remote control means that the system is being controlled by the operator who is situated () from the system.
  • remote

  • [单选题]The withdrawing of the cylinder liners, in general, depends on their ().This may amount to approximately 1/120 of the diameter in some engines.
  • wear

  • [单选题]Lube oil cannot be efficiently filtered if its ().
  • temperature is too low

  • [单选题]When fuel oil has seriously contaminated a diesel engine lubricating oil, you should ().
  • drain and then renew the lube oil supply

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