正确答案: D


题目:Expansion tank should be used to remove () from cooling water.

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  • [单选题]防止拉缸的工艺措施主要是()。Ⅰ.保证活塞运动装置的安装精度;Ⅱ.保证活塞运动装置的对中性;Ⅲ.采用波纹加工;Ⅳ.采用精车加工;Ⅴ.采用研磨加工。
  • D.Ⅰ+Ⅱ+Ⅲ

  • [单选题]活塞运动部件在船上安装前,应在车间平台对其位置精度进行复验,以保证()。
  • 其与固定件的对中性

  • [单选题]艉轴管本件在船上安装后应进行()水密试验。
  • 尾尖舱

  • [单选题]油润滑艉轴承Simplex密封装置的损坏主要发生在()上。
  • 橡胶环和防蚀衬套

  • [单选题]Oil pressure in the lubrication system is () the static sea water head to ensure that sea water () the stem-tube.
  • higher than ;cannot enter

  • [单选题]The selection of an oil depends () on the operating conditions, the design of the engine and the type of fuel to be burned.
  • to a great extent

  • [单选题]The pH value of water in a diesel engine closed cooling water system should be maintained between ().
  • 80 to 95

  • [单选题]How would the exhaust of a properly operating diesel engine appear?().
  • Perfectly clear

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