正确答案: A



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  • [单选题]各级烟草专卖局对涉嫌非法运输烟草专卖品的当事人、嫌疑人、证人进行()和询问。
  • 调查

  • [单选题]被烟草专卖行政主管部门或者其他执法机关一次性查获假烟、走私烟()条以上的,发证机关可以责令持证人暂停烟草专卖业务、进行整顿,直至取消其从事烟草专卖业务的资格。
  • 50

  • [多选题]有下列哪些情形之一的,烟草专卖行政主管部门应当不予立案;已经立案的,应当予以撤销?()
  • 违法行为超过法律规定的行政处罚时限的



  • [多选题]You administer an online transaction processing (OLTP) system whose database is stored in AutomaticStorage Management (ASM) and whose disk group use normal redundancy.One of the ASM disks goes offline, and is then dropped because it was not brought online before DISK_REPAIR_TIME elapsed.When the disk is replaced and added back to the disk group, the ensuing rebalance operation is too slow.Which two recommendations should you make to speed up the rebalance operation if this type of failurehappens again?()
  • Increase the value of the ASM_POWER_LIMIT parameter.

    Increase the number of ASMB processes.

  • 必典考试
    推荐下载科目: 烟草专卖案件调查题库 卷烟零售户业态信息的运用题库 涉烟案件情报的分析和利用题库 烟草专卖市场监管题库 对烟草薄片、烟丝、卷烟纸、滤嘴棒、烟用丝束、烟草专用机械生产企业的日常监管题库 烟草专卖案件审理题库 烟草专卖许可证办理题库 烟草专卖准运证办理中特殊事项的处置题库 烟草专卖准运证作废的办理题库 烟草专卖市场日常检查(案例分析)题库
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