正确答案: C




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  • [单选题]孔子是我国古代伟大的教育家,他的思想集中体现在他的弟子们编撰的言论记录集里面,该对话集是( )。
  • 《论语》

  • 解析:《论语》较为集中地反映了孔子的思想,是由他的弟子及再传弟子编撰而成。

  • [单选题]爱因斯坦认为,有一种思维活动是创造活动的重要必经阶段,这种曾经对牛顿发现了万有引力定律、爱因斯坦发现相对论都起过重要作用的思维活动是( )。
  • 理性的直觉

  • 解析:直觉思维是未经逐步分析就迅速对问题答案作出合理的猜测、设想或突然领悟的思维。理性思维是一种有明确的思维方向,有充分的思维依据,能对事物或问题进行观察、比较、分析、综合、抽象与概括的一种思维。牛顿发现万有引力定律和爱因斯坦发现相对论都是思维直觉的、理性的活动体现。

  • [单选题] In the early 20th century, few things were more appealing than the promise of scientific knowledge. In a world struggling with rapid industrialization, science and technology seemed to offer solutions to almost every problem. Newly created state colleges and universities devoted themselves almost entirely to scientific, technological, and engineering fields. Many Americans came to believe that scientific certainty could not only solve scientific problems, but also reform politics, government, and business. Two world wars and a Great Depression rocked the confidence of many people that scientific expertise alone could create a prosperous and ordered world. After World War Ⅱ, the academic world turned with new enthusiasm to humanistic studies, which seemed to many scholars the best way to ensure the survival of democracy. American scholars fanned out across much of the world-with support from the Ford Foundation, the Fulbright program, etc.-to promote the teaching of literature and the arts in an effort to make the case for democratic freedoms. In the America of our own time, the great educational challenge has become an effort. to strengthen the teaching of what is now known as the STEM disciplines (science, technology, engineering, and math). There is considerable and justified concern that the United States is falling behind much of the rest of the developed world in these essential disciplines. India, China, Japan, and other regions seem to be seizing technological leadership. At the same time, perhaps inevitably, the humanities-while still popular in elite colleges and universities-have experienced a significant decline. Humanistic disciplines are seriously underfunded, not just by the government and the foundations but by academic institutions themselves. Humanists are usually among the lowest-paid faculty members at most institutions and are often lightly regarded because they do not generate grant income and because they provide no obvious credentials (资质) for most nonacademic careers. Undoubtedly American education should train more scientists and engineers. Much of the concern among politicians about the state of American universities today is focused on the absence of "real world" education-which means preparation for professional and scientific careers. But the idea that institutions or their students must decide between humanities and science is false. Our society could not survive without scientific and technological knowledge. But we would be equally impoverished without humanistic knowledge as well. Science and technology teach us what we can do. Humanistic thinking helps us understand what we should do. It is almost impossible to imagine our society without thinking of the extraordinary achievements of scientists and engineers in building our complicated world. But try to imagine our world as well without the remarkable works that have defined our culture and values. We have always needed, and we still need, both.
  • What is the author's opinion about today's education?

  • Americans do not pay enough attention to humanistic studies.

  • 解析:1.细节题。文中第三段最后一句提到“…because they do not generate grant mcome and because they provide no obvious credentials for most nonacademic careers”只有C项符合题意,故选C。 2.细节题。文中第一段提到“…science and technology seemed to offer solutions to almost every problem”即他们认为科技几乎可以解决所有的问题,故选D。 3.细节题。文中第一段中间提到了两次世界大战“Two world wars and a Great Depression rocked the confidence of many people that scientific expertise alone could create a prosperous and ordered world”即单纯凭借科技的力量很难创造一个繁荣、有序的世界,所以一些学者才开始倡导入文学科的学习,故选A。 4.推断题。文中最后两段都在讲人文学科的重要性,即作者对美国大学只重视科技方面学科的担忧,并强调人文学科和科技同样重要,故选B。 5.细节题。文中倒数第二段最后一句提到“Humanistic thinking helps us understand what we should do”即人文学科可以帮助我们了解自己应该做什么,选项D符合题意。

  • [单选题]13岁的初中生张某伙同校外青年抢劫本校女教师,学校可以对张某采取的措施是( )。
  • 申请将其送到工读学校

  • 解析:依据《中华人民共和国预防未成年人犯罪法》第三十五条规定,“对未成年人实施本法规定的严重不良行为的,应当及时予以制止。对有本法规定严重不良行为的未成年人,其父母或者其他监护人和学校应当相互配合,采取措施严加管教,也可以送工读学校进行矫治和接受教育。对未成年人送工读学校进行矫治和接受教育,应当由其父母或者其他监护人,或者原所在学校提出申请,经教育行政部门批准”。本题中,初中生张某伙同校外青年抢劫本校女教师属于严重不良行为,学校对张某的正确处理方式是学校提出申请,送工读学校进行矫治。故本题选B。

  • [单选题]Which of the following activities is often used to develop students' speaking accuracy?
  • Identifying and correcting oral mistakes.

  • 解析:本题考查口语教学活动。题干:以下哪项活动常用于培养学生的口语准确性?A项“识别并纠正口语错误”,B项“表演文中的对话”,C项“分组讨论”,D项“两人一组描述人物”。口语纠错可保证语言的正确输出,为精确表达奠定基础,是关注准确性的口语活动。角色扮演、课堂分组讨论、小组活动都是关注流利性的口语活动。故本题选A。

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