正确答案: C

washes; to be bought

题目:This kind of cloth_______well.I think it is worthy__________.

解析:本题考查动词的主动形式表被动意义及固定短语。在表示主语的性能、状态时,要用动词的主动形式表示被动意义,因此第一个空用washes。be worthy to be done/of being done“某事值得(被)做”。句意为“这种衣服很好洗。我认为它值得买”。

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  • [单选题]"蓬生麻中,不扶自直;白沙在涅,与之俱黑……故君子居必择乡…"对此判断正确的是( )。
  • 强调环境对人的作用

  • 解析:本题考查了环境决定论。这句话是典型的环境决定论的观点,是古代教育家荀子的观点,认为环境在人的身心发展过程中起着决定作用。故选择C。A选项,孔子的教育思想主要体现在他和弟子的言论专著《论语》中。即孔子有教无类的思想主张,因材施教、循循善诱、不耻下问、身体力行、学思结合、温故知新的教学方法,学而不厌、诲人不倦的教学态度等,都有重要体现。D选项,孟轲,即孟子,儒家学派代表人物,强调行仁政。重要教育观点包括性善论一一身心发展的内发论;"孟母三迁"一一环境对教育的影响;"君子、圣贤、大丈夫"一一教育目的:盈科而进一一强调教育教学要循序渐进。

  • [多选题]校园组织与制度文化是校园文化的核心内容。( )
  • 解析:学校的精神或观念文化是校园文化的核心内容。

  • [单选题] The criteria to determine a word's category include all the following EXCEPT ______.
  • parts of speech

  • 解析:考查词类范畴。决定词类范畴的因素有意义、屈折变化和分布规则。词性则属于词类的其他范畴。故选D。

  • [单选题]王老师工作勤勤恳恳,每次上课都不辞辛苦地从上课到下课,但教学效果一直不理想,这令他百思不得其解,王老师最应该反思的是( )。
  • 教学方式

  • 解析:教学方式是指教师在要求学生获取知识,提高能力,获取学习方法的过程中所采用的方式。包括谈话式、谈论式、归纳式讲授式、重难点讲授法、实践活动式等。教师努力教学效果不佳,最有可能的原因就是方式问题,故选择B。A选项,王老师"不辞辛苦,勤勤恳恳",说明教学态度没有问题,排除A。C选项,教学手段是师生教学相互传递信息的工具、媒体或设备,题干没有明确说教师的教育工具落后或不恰当,排除C。D选项,题干没有明确说教师使用了不恰当的教学组织形式(班级授课制、个别教学制等),故排除D。

  • [单选题]教育制度的主体是( )。
  • 学制

  • 解析:教育制度指国民教育制度,是一个国家为实现其国民目的,从组织系统上建立起来的一切教育设施和有关规章制度。学校教育制度处于国民教育的核心和主体地位,体现了一个国家国民教育制度的实质。故选择B。A项,教育规范是调控人们教育行为的具有不同程度之普适性的指示或指示系统,而使教育规范从无到有的充分而且必要的条件是合规律与合目的。教育规范的作用就在于保障主体教育活动的合规律性与合目的性。C项,教育体制是教育机构与教育规范的结合体、统一体,它是由教育的机构体系与教育的规范体系所组成。D项,国家是指拥有共同的语言、文化、种族、血统、领土、政府或者历史的社会群体。

  • [单选题] One of the most contentious issues in the vast literature about alcohol consumption has been the consistent finding that those who don't drink tend to die sooner than those who do. The standard Alcoholics Anonymous (匿名戒酒互助会) explanation for this finding is that many of those who show up as abstainers (戒酒者) in such research are actually former hard-core drunks who had already incurred health problems associated with drinking. But a new paper in the journal Alcoholism: Clinical and Experimental Research suggests that-for reasons that aren't entirely clear-abstaining from alcohol does tend to increase one's risk of dying, even when you exclude former problem drinkers. The most shocking part is abstainers' mortality rates are higher than those of heavy drinkers. Moderate drinking, which is defined as one to three drinks per day, is associated with the lowest mortality rates in alcohol studies. Moderate alcohol use (especially when the beverage of choice is red wine) is thought to improve heart health. But why would abstaining from alcohol lead to a shorter life? It's true that those who abstain from alcohol tend to be from lower socioeconomic classes, since drinking can be expensive. And people of lower socioecononuc status have more life stressors-job and child-care worries that might not only keep them from the bottle but also cause stress-related illness over long periods.(They also don't get the stress-reducing benefits of a drink or two after work.) But even after controlling for nearly all imaginable variables-socioeconomic status, level of physical activity, number of close friends, quality of social support and so on-the researchers .(a six-member team led by psychologist Charles Holahan of the University of Texas at Austin) found that over a 20-year period, mortality rates were highest for those who were not current drinkers, regardless of whether they used to be alcoholics, second highest for heavy drinkers and lowest for moderate drinkers.
  • According to the research over a 20-year period, what kind of people has the highest mortality rates?

  • Those who didn't drink during that period.

  • 解析:1.细节题。短文第一段第二句指出“…many of those who show up as abstainers in such research are actually former hard-core drunks who had already incurred health problems associated with drinking.”即匿名戒酒互助会对之前发现的解释是,参与这种调查的非饮酒者往往之前是严重酗酒者,并出现了健康问题。由此可知对上文发现持否定态度。故选A。 2.细节题。短文第二段最后一句指出“…abstainers' mortality rates are higher than those of heavy drinkers”即戒酒者的死亡率高于酗酒者。故答案D正确。 3.细节题。根据短文第三段第一句“Moderate drinking,which is defined as one to three drinks per day.”可判断出答案为A。 4.细节题。根据短文第四段表述可知:喝酒花费很高,不喝酒的人来自较低的社会经济阶层,背负着沉重的社会压力,而多种压力会危害身体健康。因此选B。 5.细节题。短文最后一句指出研究发现“…over a 20-year period,mortality rates were highest for those who were not current drinkers, regardless of whether they used to be alcoholics, second highest for heavy drinkers and lo west for moderate drinkers”即在20年的时间中,死亡率最高的是在这20年中不喝酒的人(不管他们之前是否喝酒),第二高的是酗酒者,最低的是那些适度饮酒者。由此可知,答案为B。

  • [多选题]有目的有计划地对事物或现象进行感知的研究方法是观察。( )
  • 解析:有目的有计划地对事物或现象进行感知的研究方法是观察。观察法是科学研究中最常用的方法。

  • [单选题]情感是情绪的基础,情绪是情感的表现。( )A.正确B.错误
  • 解析:一般来说,情感是在多次情绪体验的基础上形成的,并通过情绪表现出来;反过来,情绪的表现和变化又受已形成的情感的制约。情绪是情感的基础和外部表现,情感是情绪的深化和本质内容。

  • [单选题]教师方某常给学生起侮辱性绰号,造成恶劣影响,对于方某的这种行为,所在学校或教育行政部门应当给予( )。
  • 行政处分或解聘

  • 解析:《中华人民共和国教师法》第三十七条规定:品行不良、侮辱学生,影响恶劣的,由所在学校、其他教育机构或者教育行政部门给予行政处分或者解聘:情节严重,构成犯罪的,依法追究刑事责任。故选择A。

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