正确答案: D


题目:We have received orders()US$1,000,000 since the new product was introduced to the market.

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  • [单选题]Please inform us ____ the supply and demand situation in your country.
  • of

  • [单选题]Your request for payment()Letter of Credit is unacceptable.
  • by

  • [单选题]We have lodged a claim()the seller for the shortage of shipment()S.S.DONGFENG.
  • A.against,ex

  • [单选题]The consignment certainly does not match the samples()you sent us last month.
  • ---

  • [单选题]We have received news()that the wool market on your side is showing signs of recovery.
  • to the effect

  • [单选题]And in the United States,13 antidumping suits were()Korean firms.
  • brought against

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