正确答案: B


题目:下列太阳系行星中,已证实拥有卫星最多的是( )。


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  • [单选题]几个学生正趴在树下兴致勃勃地观察着什么,一位老师看到他们满身是灰的样子,生气地走过去问:"你们在干什么?""听蚂蚁唱歌呢。"学生们头也不抬,随口回答。"胡说,蚂蚁怎么会唱歌?"老师的声音提高了八度。严厉的斥责让学生们猛地从"槐安国"里清醒过来,于是一个个小脑袋耷拉下来,等候老师发落。这个案例说明教师( )。
  • 打击了学生的学习积极性

  • 解析:新课改背景下的教师观强调,教师是学生学习的引导者。教师针对学生的"新发现"不是采取鼓励、引导的态度,而是严厉斥责,老师的做法扼杀了学生探索未知和自主观察的积极性。故选择B项。

  • [单选题]下列成语中,源于赵匡胤陈桥兵变故事的是( )。
  • 黄袍加身

  • 解析:陈桥兵变,是赵匡胤发动的取代后周、建立宋朝的兵变事件,此典故又称黄袍加身。与赵匡胤相关的成语还有:杯酒释兵权。故选择A。祸起萧墙:指祸乱发生在家里,比喻内部发生祸乱,也比喻身边的人带来灾祸。出自《论语·季氏》。出自<论语》的成语还有:欲速则不达、以身作则、以德报怨、循序渐进等。破釜沉舟:源于项羽的巨鹿之战。与项羽有关的成语还有:四面楚歌、霸王别姬、无颜见江东父老、自刎乌江、力能扛鼎。闻鸡起舞:传说东晋时期将领祖逖年轻时就很有抱负,每次和好友刘琨谈论时局,总是慷慨激昂,满怀义愤,为了报效国家,他们在半夜一听到鸡呜,就披衣起床,拔剑练武,刻苦锻炼。与祖逖有关的成语还有:击楫中流。

  • [单选题]下列选项中,对民族乐器箫的归类,正确的一项是( )。
  • 吹奏乐器

  • 解析:我国民族乐器分为吹奏乐器、弹拨乐器、打击乐器和拉弦乐器四类。民族乐器箫属于吹奏乐器。

  • [单选题]中国生物医学界第一个获得诺贝尔奖的是( )。
  • 屠呦呦

  • 解析:中国中医药学家屠呦呦发现了新型抗疟药--青蒿素,她于2015年被授予诺贝尔生理学或医学奖。

  • [单选题]班主任李老师接手一个新班后,针对该班纪律散漫、学风懈怠的情况,首先运用板报、墙壁等媒介做好舆论宣传,建立良好的班风,同时以真诚的爱感化学生,促使学生积极进取。一个学期下来,该班班风、学风焕然一新。李老师运用的主要德育方法是( )。
  • 情感陶冶法

  • 解析:情感陶冶法又称陶冶教育法,是教师利用环境和自身的教育因素,对学生进行熏陶,使其在耳濡日染中受到感化的方法。该教师运用班风和舆论,以及自身真诚的爱影响和感化学生,这体现的是情感陶冶法。个人修养法也称自我修养法,是指在教育者的指导下,受教育者主动地为自己提出目标,采取措施,实现思想转化和进行行为控制,从而使自己形成良好品德的方法。榜样示范法是用榜样人物的高尚思想、模范行为、卓越成就来影响学生的思想、情感和行为的方法。实践锻炼法是让学生参加各种实践活动,在活动中锻炼思想,增长才干,培养优良思想和行为习惯的方法。

  • [单选题]22.请阅读Passage 2,完成第1~5题。   Passage 2   teacher education provided by U,S.colleges and universities has been routinely criticizedsince its inception in the early nineteenth century,sometimes deservedly.These programs,like non-university programs,are uneven in quality and can be improved.What makes today's criticisms different is an aggressive effort by advocacy groups,and self-proclaimed educational entrepreneursto deregulate the preparation of teachers,and to expand independent,alternative routes intoteaching.   This effort to “disrupt” the field of teacher preparation in the United States has gainedconsiderable “momentum” and legitimacy,with venture capitalists,philanthropy,and the U.S.Department of Education all providing sponsorship and substantial funding.   The strength of this effort is that the United States may quickly seek to dismantle its universitysystem and replace much ofit with independent,private programs.The resulting system of teacherpreparation may differ dramatically in its government,structure,content,and processes moving away from its current location alongside legal,medical,and other professional preparation that pairsacademic degrees with professional training.   Throughout the nation,states are reporting teacher shortages in particular subject areas andgeographical locations,and several states have either passed legislation to lower the standards for becoming a teacher or,like the state of Washington,have looked toward expanding the number ofteacher education providers to try to fill teaching vacancies.The federal government has contributedto the push to lower standards for becoming a teacher with the teacher Preparation Academyprovision in the new K-12 education law,the Every Student Succeeds act,which encourages statesto expand the number ofindependent programs not associated with colleges and universities.   Because of the increasing tuition rates,a consequence in part,of cuts in funding to publicuniversities that continue to educate most U.S.teachers,enrollments in college and universityteacher education programs have declined in many parts of the country.Independent teacher education programs are being viewed by some as an important part of the solution in staffing thenation's classrooms and addressing our serious and enduring problems in education inequities.Additionally,advocacy groups,philanthropists,and so-called education entrepreneurs are working aggressively to expand these independent alternative routes into teaching.   Given the seriousness of the teacher shortage problem in the United States and the substantialmedia attention that has been given to independent teacher education programs as the solutionto teacher shortages and education inequities,policy makers should very carefully examine the evidence that exists about the nature and impact of these relatively new programs that are rapidly expanding while university teacher education enrollments decline.
  • What measures have been taken by some states to deal with their teacher shortages?

  • To expand non-university teacher education programs.

  • 解析:细节题。根据第四段中的“...several states have either passed legislation to lower thestandards for becoming a teacher...”可知,几个州为了应付教师短缺局面通过了降低教师标准的立法,A项“增加合格教师的数量”与原文不符。根据第五段中的“Because of the increasing tuition rates,a consequence inpart,of cuts in funding to public universities that continue to educate most U.S.teachers,enrollments in college anduniversity teacher education programs have declinedin many parts ofthe country”可知,由于学费的增加,高等师范教育获得的资金投入缩减了,B项“提高对师范教育项目的资金投入”与原文不符。根据第四段末尾“...encouragesstates to expand the number ofindependent programs not associated with colleges and universities.”及第五段中的“Independent teacher education programs are being viewed by some as an important part of the solution in staffingthe nation's classrooms”可知,一些州发展私立师范教育项目,C项“发展非高等师范教育项目”正确。D项“为师范教育项目设立底线”,文中未提及。故本题选C。

  • [单选题]Tom is snobbish,always________the infiuential people.
  • making up to

  • 解析:本题考查动词短语辨析。句意为“汤姆很势利。经常____有影响力的人”。makesth.out“理解,辨认”,make up“编造,整理,化妆,弥补,和解”,make up to“巴结,奉承,讨好”,make upfor“补偿,弥补”。根据句意可知C项正确。

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