正确答案: C



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  • [单选题]甲板机械是为保证()的机械设备。
  • A+B

  • [单选题]双轴系具有()的特点。Ⅰ.高速;Ⅱ.便于操纵;Ⅲ.机动性好;Ⅳ.传动损失小;Ⅴ.生命力强。
  • Ⅰ+Ⅲ+Ⅴ

  • [单选题]检查油润滑艉轴承密封装置防蚀衬套的密封性采用()方法。
  • 水压试验

  • [单选题]暖机主要工作是()。Ⅰ.冷却系统预热;Ⅱ.润滑系统预热;Ⅲ.燃油系统预热;Ⅳ.启动空气预热
  • Ⅰ+Ⅱ+Ⅲ

  • [单选题]Once all cylinders are firing regularly, () is shut off.
  • the starting air

  • [单选题]Which of the following is a factor of fuel oil almost having nothing to do with the formation of combustion products?()
  • setting point

  • [单选题]General, the best way for replacement of lamp is ().
  • before the point is reached at which the failures begin to increase rapidly

  • [单选题]The PRIMARY function of a waste heat boiler is to ()
  • recover heat which otherwise would be lost

  • 推荐下载科目: 柴油机的调速装置题库 船舶正弦交流电题库 锚设备题库 喷射泵题库 船舶辅机题库 船舶动力装置题库 船舶电气与自动化题库 外界因素对操纵的影响题库 船舶空气调节装置题库 柴油机的运行管理与应急处理题库
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