
题目:材料:   一位母亲问5岁的女儿:"如果妈妈和你一起出去玩,我们渴了,没带水,又没带钱,只带了两个苹果,你会怎样做呢?"女儿歪着头想了想:"我会把两个苹果都咬一口。"可想而知,此时那位母亲多么失望。她本想对孩子训斥一番,然后再教孩子怎样做,可就在话将出口那一刻,她忽然改变了主意。母亲摸着孩子的小脸,温柔地问:"能告诉妈妈,你为什么要这样做吗?"女儿眨眨眼睛,一脸的童真:"因为我想把最甜的一个给妈妈。"霎时,母亲的眼里闪动着泪花。   根据所给材料自定立意作文。要求:用规范的现代汉语书写。立意自定,题目自拟;观点明确,分析具体,条理清楚,语言流畅。不少于1000字。

解析:【解析】写作思路:   (1)题目立意由阅读文得出,主题应为"宽容",因为材料中说母亲对于孩子的行为没有直接进行批评,最后竟得到了意想不到的答案。   (2)可以写议论文,从宽容教育的意义和作用这个角度去写,或者写宽容教育的具体事例和操作方式。选择较为灵活,没有固定的套路。   (3)扩充稳重的论据方面较难把握,建议可以搜集相应论据。   (4)关于教师的名言警句就比较多了,类似"学高为师、身正为范"、"教师是太阳底下最光辉的职业",都可以用在作文中进行写作。   (一)评分标准:   一等(50-38)紧密围绕教育背景、教师身份写作,立意切合"宽容教育的意义""宽容教育的作用""宽容教育的具体事例"等题意,中心突出,内容充实、情真意切、结构严谨、文体明确、语言优美、引经据典、字体优美;(教育学、心理学、教师职业素养,结合教育场景、学生心理,站在教育事业发展、教育体制改革的维度书写)   二等(37-25)站在教师立场思考主题,中心符合"宽容的作用""宽容的好处"等角度,中心明确,内容较充实、感情真实、结构完整、文体突出、语言通顺、字迹清楚;(符合教师的职业素养,稍微联系理论和现实)   三等(24-12)中心基本符合题意、基本明确,内容单薄、感情基本真实、结构基本完整、文体基本符合、语言基本通顺、字迹潦草:   四等(11-0)"三观"观念错误,中心偏离题意、不明或立意不当、内容空洞、文体不明、矫揉造作、结构混乱、语病多、字迹难辨。(不具备作为教师的基本素质和辨别是非的能力,基本写作能力欠缺)   (二)写作硬性扣分项目:写作与文章相关的硬伤主要集中在内容残缺和语言表达基本功上,主要几大硬性扣分项目有:标题:不写,扣5分;文章结尾:不写,字数多于600字,扣10分;少于600字,残文11分以下;语句错误:2个扣1分,5个扣3分,多余5个,字句错误降等,降12分。

查看原题 查看所有试题


  • [单选题]发现教学模式倡导学生独立发现问题、解决问题、实现认知的过程,强调学生是学习的主体,这一教学模式的提出者是( )。
  • 布鲁纳

  • 解析:布鲁纳倡导发现教学模式。

  • [单选题]罗杰斯的非指导性教学的精髓是( )。
  • 给学生以安全感

  • 解析:"非指导性"教学模式有自己独特的教学原则。首先是要建立无条件关怀的真诚人际关系。即要给学生安全感。给学生安全感是在在以学生为本基础上的升华。

  • [单选题]社会学习理论是由( )提出来的。
  • 班杜拉

  • 解析:班杜拉提出了社会学习理论。

  • [单选题]把学习成就看作是赢得地位和自尊的根源,这是一种( )。
  • 自我提高内驱力

  • 解析:自我提高的内驱力是指个体由自己的学业成就而获得相应的地位和威望的需要,它不直接指向知识和学习任务本身,而是把学业成就看作赢得地位和自尊的根源。这是一种间接的学习需要,属于外部动机。

  • [多选题]一般认为幼儿最强烈最直接的情绪体验来自( )。
  • 爱的需要



  • 解析:一般认为幼儿最强烈最直接的情绪体验来自爱的需要、注意的需要和表现的需要。

  • [单选题]"让学校的每一面墙壁都能开口说话"所充分运用的德育方法是( )。
  • 陶冶教育法

  • 解析:陶冶教育法又称情感陶冶法,它是教师利用环境和自身的教育因素,对学生进行潜移默化的熏陶和感染,使其在耳濡目染中受到感化的方法。陶冶教育法包括:人格感化、环境陶冶和艺术陶冶等。它的基本特点是直观具体、生动形象、情景交融,易于激起学生情感上的共鸣,于无声处教育学生。故选择C。

  • [单选题]某初中校向学生收取练习本费用,未向社会公开收费项目。该校做法
  • 不合法,学校必须公开收费项目

  • 解析:《中华人民共和国教育法》第三十条规定,学校及其他教育机构应当遵照国家有关规定收取费用并公开收费项目。题干中某学校未向社会公开收费项目,是不合法行为,正确答案为B。

  • [单选题]在Excel中,下列方法可以实现快速查找满足条件的数据内容的是( )
  • 自动筛选

  • 解析:Excel中自动筛选可以实现快速查找满足条件数据的内容。

  • [单选题]21.请阅读Passage 1,完成第1~5小题。   Passage 1   In recent years,however,society has come to understand the limitations of schools that merelysort and rank students.We have discovered that students in the bottom one-third to one-half of therank order-plus all who drop out before being ranked-fail to develop the foundational reading,writing,and mathematical proficiencies needed to survive in,let alone contribute to,an increasingly technically complex and ethnically diverse culture.So today,in asking schools to leave no childbehind,society is asking that educators raise up the bottom of the rank-order distribution to aspecified level of competence.We call those expectations our“academic achievement standards”.Every state has them,and,as a matter of public policy,schools are to be held accountable formaking sure that all students meet them.   To be clear,the mission of sorting has not been eliminated from the schooling process.Forthe foreseeable future,students will still be ranked at the end of high school.However,society nowdictates that such a celebration of differences in amount learned must start at a certain minimumlevel of achievement for all.   The implications of this change in mission for the role of assessment are profound.Assessmentand grading procedures designed to permit only a few students to succeed (those at the top of therank-order distribution) must now be revised to permit the possibility that all students could succeedat some appropriate level.Furthermore,procedures that pennitted (perhaps even encouraged) somestudents to give up in hopelessness and to stop trying must now be replaced by others that promotehope and continuous effort.In short,the entire emotional environment surrounding the prospect ofbeing evaluated must change,especially for perennial low achievers.   The students' mission is no longer merely to beat other students in the achievement race,At least part of their goal must be to become competent.teachers must believe that all studentscan achieve a certain level of academic success,must bring all of their students to believe thISOf themselves,must “accommodate” the fact that students learn at different rates by making use of differentiated instruction,and must guide all students toward the attainment of standards.   The driving dynamic force for students cannot merely be competition for an artificialscarcity of success.Because all students can and must succeed in meeting standards,cooperationand collaboration must come into play.The driving forces must be confidence,optimism,andpersistence-for all,not just for some.All students must come to believe that they can succeedat learning if they try.They must have continuous access to evidence of what they believe to be credible academic success,however small.This new understanding has spawned increased interestin formative assessment in recent years.
  • Which of the following is likely to be the title of this passage?

  • A New Mission of assessment

  • 解析:主旨题。文章首先分析了给学生排名这种评价方式的弊端,然后讲述了评价方式的改革,即学校要让所有学生而不仅仅是一部分学生达标。A项“形成性评价”,B项“成功达标”,D项“学校现行的排名制度的弊端”,三项均不能全面地概括文章的中心思想。C项“评价的新使命”最适合做这篇文章的标题。

  • 必典考试
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