正确答案: D


题目:中学教师夏某安排成绩比较落后的两名同学考试时间上自习。教师夏某的做法( )


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  • [单选题]第一幅具有立体主义倾向的毕加索的作品是( )。
  • 《亚维农少女》

  • 解析:1906年毕加索受到非洲原始雕刻和塞尚绘画影响,而转向一种新画风的探索。于是,他画出了一幅具有里程碑意义的著名杰作一一《亚威农少女》,它引发了立体主义运动的诞生。故选择B。

  • [单选题]教育目的所要回答的根本问题是( )。
  • 教育要培养怎样的人

  • 解析:教育目的是指教育所要培养的人的质量和规格的总要求,即解决把受教育者培养成什么样的人的问题。故选择B。A项,把教育引向何方,是教育方针的内容。C项,教育为谁服务,是指教育培养的人要服务于资本主义还是社会主义。D项,教育如何培养人,是指教育应该采取什么样的策略方法和制度来培养全面发展的人。

  • [单选题]根据技能的定义,下列属于技能的是( )。
  • 走路

  • 解析:技能是后天习得的系统化的行为方式。A项和B项都是先天获得的行为方式:C项不是一种活动方式的技能,而是一种学习。

  • [单选题]通过人格感化来培养学生品德的方法是( )。
  • 陶冶教育法

  • 解析:陶冶教育法是指教师利用高尚的情感、美好的事物和优美的环境感染和熏陶学生的方法,情感陶冶包括人格感化、环境陶冶和艺术陶冶等。故选择B。A项,榜样示范法是指用榜样人物的高尚思想、模范行为、优异成就来影响学生的思想、情感和行为的方法。用来示范的榜样主要有家长和数师、先进典型、英雄人物、革命领袖、历史伟人和文艺形象等。C项,参观法是教师根据教学目的和要求,组织学生对实际实物进行实地观察、研究,从而在实际中获得新知识或巩固、验证已学知识的方法。D项,实践锻炼法是教育者组织学生参加多种实际活动,在行为实践中使学生接受磨练和考验,以培养优良思想品德的方法。

  • [单选题]22.请阅读Passage 2,完成第1~5小题。   Passage 2   As regards social conventions,we must say a word about the well-known English class system.This is an embarrassing subject for English people,and one they tend to be ashamed of,though during the present century class-consciousness has grown less and less,and the class systemless rigiD.But it still exists below the surface.Broadly speaking,it means there are two classes,the“middle class”and the“working class”.(We shall ignore for a moment the old“upper class”,including the hereditary aristocracy,since it is extremely small in numbers;but some ofits membershave the right to sit in the House of lords,and some newspapers take surprising interest in theirprivate life.) The middle class consists chiefiy of well-to-do businessmen and professional people of all kinds.The working class consists chiefiy of manual and unskilled workers.   The most obvious difference between them is in their accent.Middle-class people use slightlyvarying kinds of“received pronunciation”which is the kind of English spoken by BBC announcers and taught to overseas pupils.Typical working-class people speak in many different local accentswhich are generally felt to be rather ugly and uneducateD.One of the biggest barriers of social equality in England is the two-class education system.To have been to a so-called“public school”immediately marks you out as one ofthe middle class.The middle classes tend to live a more formallife than working-class people,and are usually more cultured.Their midday meal is“lunch”andthey have a rather formal evening meal called“dinner”,whereas the working man's dinner,if hisworking hours permit,is at midday,and his smaller,late-evening meal is called supper.   As we have said,however,the class system is much less rigid than it was,and for a longtime it has been government policy to reduce class distinctions.Working-class students very commonly receive a university education and enter the professions,and working-class incomeshave grown so much recently that the distinctions between the two classes are becoming less andless clear.However,regardless of one's social status,certain standards ofpoliteness are expected ofeverybody,and a well-bred person is polite to everyone he meets,and treats a laborer with the samerespect he gives an important businessman.Servility inspires both embarrassment and dislike.Eventhe word “sir”,except in school and in certain occupations (e.g.commerce,the army,etc.) soundstoo servile to be commonly used.
  • The most obvious difference between the working class and the middle class in English istheir_______.

  • accent

  • 解析:细节题。第二段开头指出“The most obvious difference between them is in theiraccent.”,故本题C项正确。

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