正确答案: C



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  • [单选题]舵杆弯曲变形时直线度误差>2mm/m,允许采用()修复。
  • 热校直

  • [单选题]Before starting the turning gear, () should be worked by hand to minimize corrosive action on the liners.
  • the cylinder lubricators

  • [单选题]The gudgeon pin is carried in () in the piston skirt.
  • bosses

  • [单选题]The lower end of each piston rod is reduced in diameter to fit a bore in the cross-head, this being secured to the piston rod by ().
  • a nut

  • [单选题]The most important factor in engine performance is the actual power output at the end of the crankshaft available for doing workThis is known as ().
  • brake horsepower

  • 推荐下载科目: 声响和灯光信号题库 航海学题库 船舶电气与自动化题库 船舶操纵性能题库 系、离泊操纵题库 外界因素对操纵的影响题库 船舶资源管理题库 定期船运输题库 柴油机系统题库 船机零件的修复工艺题库
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