• [单选题]Air transport companies use different planes__________.
  • 根据材料,完成下面的题目。Air Transportation1. Airplanes are used to carry passengers, cargo and mail. Air transport companies operate scheduled airlines and non-scheduled services over local, regional, national, and international routes. The aircraft operated by these companies range from small single-engine planes to large multiengine jet transports.2. The first air passenger services began in 1910, when dirigibles began operation between several German cities. The first scheduled airplane service to carry passengers began in the U. S in 1914. Several experimental airmail flights took place in India, Europe, and the United States before World War I, but air transport service did not become a true business until after the war.3. During World War Two, intercontinental air transport became firmly established. After the war the new long-distance transports with advanced facilities were increasingly able to avoid storms and strong wind and make flights more economical and consistent. A new generation of "jumbo-jet" transports began operations in 1970, and the supersonic transport entered passenger service in 1976.4. During the 1970s the number of domestic passengers on U. S airlines increased about 78%, and during the 1980s the figure was up about 58%. In 1990 there were 41.8 million international passengers, the figure was a 75% increase over 1980. The total cargo flown by U. S airlines almost doubled during the 1980s, from 5.7 billion to 10.6 billion ton-miles in 1990.5. Major airports provide a wide range of facilities for the convenience of millions of travelers. These range from such basic services as ticket-sales counters and restaurants to luxury hotels, shopping centers and play areas for children. International airports must also have customs areas and currency exchange counters and so on.Paragraph 2__________.

  • 正确答案 :A
  • in the development of air transportation

  • 解析:【答案】A【解析】根据第一段可知,航空公司利用飞机运输旅客,货物和邮政。运营的飞机从单引擎到大型多引擎飞机。A为“在不同运输发展阶段使用不同飞机”符合逻辑和题意。因此,本题选A。

  • [单选题]确诊流脑的依据是
  • 正确答案 :D
  • 皮肤淤点检查阳性

  • [单选题]下列套话中,哪个不是中国人用来描绘日本人的?()
  • 正确答案 :C
  • 鹰钩鼻

  • [单选题]确诊早期小听神经瘤最敏感而可靠的方法是()
  • 正确答案 :C
  • C.增强磁共振成像

  • [单选题]女性,50岁,因便血2个月就诊。直肠镜检查发现距肛缘4cm的直肠前壁有2cm×2cm肿块,取活检病理检查为直肠乳头状腺癌,最佳的手术方式是()
  • 正确答案 :C
  • 腹会阴联合直肠癌根治术

  • 解析:直肠癌手术有两种类型,依据癌肿距离肛门的距离远近而选择。腹会阴联合直肠癌根治术适用于距肛门7cm以内的直肠癌。经腹直肠癌切除、骶前吻合术适用于癌肿下缘距肛门10cm以上的直肠癌。经腹直肠癌切除、近端造口、远端封闭手术适用于年老体弱,不能行根治术者,本患者50岁,可除外此选项。本题选C。

  • [单选题]全轮驱动的汽车,其转向桥与转向轮之间一般采用万向节联结,此万向节的型式一般属于()万向节。
  • 正确答案 :B
  • 等角速

  • [多选题]代发工资业务的营业网点实现代发业务需开立以下几个账户()。
  • 正确答案 :ABC
  • 代发业务资金临时挂账户



  • [单选题]下列除哪项均为是生脉散的主治证()
  • 正确答案 :E
  • 温病后期,邪伏阴分证

  • [单选题]曲线通过(1,1)点,且此曲线在[1,x]上所形成的曲边梯形面积的值等于该曲线终点的横坐标x与纵坐标y之比的二倍减去2,其中x>1,y>0。则当时的曲线方程为:()
  • 正确答案 :A

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    推荐科目: 第一章工程咨询基本内容题库 第三章工程咨询单位题库 第五章现代工程咨询方法和信息化手段题库 第二章注册咨询工程师(投资)题库 第六章工程咨询服务采购题库 第四章工程咨询服务题库 第八章国际工程咨询行业组织和管理题库 第九章工程咨询的法律责任题库 第七章中国工程咨询行业组织和管理题库
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