正确答案: B


题目:下列说法不正确的是( )。


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  • [多选题]从教育目的的表现形态来看,可以将教育目的分为( )。
  • 外显的教育目的


  • 解析:从教育目的的表现形态上,可分为外显的教育目的和内隐的教育目的,前者是成文规定的.后者是缄默的。

  • [单选题]在记忆一串数字时,往往容易记住最后几位数字,这种现象叫作( )。
  • 近位效应

  • 解析:一般而言,学习者对所学内容的首尾部分印象较深刻,从而形成首位效应与近位效应。记住最后几位数字属于近位效应。得寸进尺效应,又称登门槛效应,是指一个人一旦接受了他人的一个微不足道的要求,为了避免认知上的不协调,或想给他人以前后一致的印象,就有可能接受更大的要求。门面效应,与登门槛效应相对应,是指人们拒绝了一个很大的要求后,对较小的要求的接受性出现增加的现象。故选B。

  • [单选题] The Earth has been stripped of up to90% of its species five times before in the past 450 million years. Now it's about to happen again-and this time there's no rogue asteroid (小行星) to blame. One of the first great rules of terrestrial biology is that no species is forever. The Earth has gone through five major extinction events before. The result of all of the extinctions was the same: death, a lot of it. As increasingly accepted theories have argued-and as the Science papers show-we are now in the midst of the sixth great extinction, the unsettlingly-named Anthropocene(人类纪), or the age of the humans. As the authors of all this loss, we are doing our nasty work in a lot of ways. Overexploitation-which is to say killing animals for food, clothing or the sheer perverse pleasure of it-plays a big role. So we get elephants slaughtered for their tusks, thinos poached (偷猎) for their homs and tigers shot and skinned for their pelts, until oops-no more elephants, thinos or tigers. Habitat destruction is another big driver, particularly in rainforests. And you don't even have to chop or burn an ecosystem completely away to threaten its species; sometimes all it takes is cutting a few roads across it or building a few farms or homes in the wrong spots. Then too there is global warming, which makes once-hospitable habitats too hot or dry or stormy for species adapted to different conditions. Finally, as TIME's Bryan Walsh wrote in last week's cover story, there are invasive species-pests like the giant African snail, the lionfish-which hitch a ride into a new ecosystem on ships or packing material, or are brought in as pets, and then reproduce wildly, crowding out native species. It oughtn't to take appealing to our self-interest to get us to quit making such a mess of what we're increasingly coming to learn is an exceedingly destructible world. But it's that very self-interest that led us to make that mess in the first place. We can either start to change our ways, or we can keep going the way we are-at least until the Anthropocene extinction claims one final species: our own.
  • According to the Bryan Walsh's view, which statement is NOT correct?

  • The invasive species killed the local animals, which causes the extinction.

  • 解析:1.细节题。“The Earth has been stripped of up to 90% of its species five times before in the past 450 million years”意为在过去的4.5亿年中,地球曾经五次损失了90%的生物。A中错在不是现在,而是在过去的4.5亿年。B、C、D都符合文意。本题考察的是对成分复杂句子的解读。 2.词义题。文章前面一直在说之前的五次物种大灭绝,后面要引出的是这一次的物种消亡。提到了“it's about to happen again”和“this time”,可见之前的灭亡原因是小行星。故选D。A、B都是字面意思,而C意思相反。 3.细节题。全文都在讲述造成大灭绝的原因,A项出自“overexploitation-which is to say killing animals for food,clothing or the sheer perverse pleasure of it-plays a big role”,但是逻辑有误,以动物为食只是其中一个原因,故选A。而B、C、D都可以在文中找到。 4.细节题。细节的位置在“there are invasive species…which hitch a ride into a new ecosystem on ships or packing material, or are brought in as pets, and then reproduce wildly, crowding out native species”,介绍了入侵物种的来源和危害,它们都由船或包装物或作为宠物带来,迅速繁殖,进而挤走了本地生物。A、B、C在句中都可以找出,D错在入侵物种不一定是吃掉了本地物种。 5.主旨题。文章以之前的大灭绝开头,引入人类面临的大灭绝,在介绍了造成灭绝的原因后,提出了倡议,不仅有客观,而且有对于人类前途的担忧和建议。反观这几个题目.A只强调了客观原因,C项过于含糊,D项只提到了倡议,只有B最为全面。

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