正确答案: B

The study will provide some useful information for the medical field.

题目: New research has found that those who work 11 hour days or more increase their chance of a heart attack by two thirds. If you're about to embark on your usual 12-hour day at the office, you might want to pause a while-a few hours, actually. A study has found that those who spend more than 11 hours at work increase their chance of having a heart attack by two thirds. The team from University College London looked at more than 7,000 civil servants working in Whitehall over a period of 11 years and established how many hours they worked on average a day. They also collected information including the condition of their heart from medical records and health checks. Over the period, a total of 192 had suffered a heart attack. Then the study was published in the joumal Annals of Internal Medicine, reporting that those who worked more than 11 hours a day were 67 percent more likely to have one than those who had a "nine to five" job. Professor Mika Kivimki, who led the study, said:"We have shown that working long days is associated with a remarkable increase in risk of heart disease. Considering that including a measurement of working hours in a GP interview is so simple and useful, our research presents a strong case that it should become standard practice. This new information should help improve decisions regarding medication for heart disease." "It could also be a wake-up call for people who over-work themselves, especially if they already have other risk factors," Professor Kivimki added. Around 2.6 million Britons have heart disease, where the organ's blood supply is blocked by the build-up of fatty deposits in the coronary arteries (冠状动脉). It is the nation's biggest killer, claiming 101,000 lives in this country every year. Heart attacks occur when a coronary artery becomes completely blocked; if the blood supply is not restored, the section of the heart being supplied by the artery will die.

解析:1.细节题。在第二段中,作者先后提到了观察、数据采集、医学检查等,而questionnaire 不包括在研究范围中,故选D。 2.细节题。在第二段中,作者说到,“the study was published in the journal Annals of Internal Medicine”,与A相反。“the team from University College London looked at more than 7,000 civil servants working in Whitehall”,B中,实验不是在这里做的,而是来自这里的研究员做的。由“looked at more than 7,000 civil servants working in Whitehall over a period of 11 years”,可知是研究员观察这些公务员11年,而不是公务员在白宫工作了11年,D错误。故选C。 3.细节题。由第三段“Considering that including a measurement of working hours in a GP interview is so simple and useful, our research presents a strong case that it should become standard practice.”可知教授对于这个研究非常自信。故A错误。C、D在文中没有提及。由“This new information should help improve decisions regarding medication for heart disease,”可知这项研究可为今后心脏病的治疗提供依据,故B正确。 4.细节题。由“the organ's blood supply is blocked by the build-up of fatty deposits in the coronary arteries”“Heart attacks occur when a coronary artery becomes completely blocked; if the blood supply is not restored,the section of the heart being supplied by the artery will die.”可知脂肪沉积物会堵塞血管,而心脏病发作时,冠状血管被完全堵住,如果血液供给不能恢复,这段血管所供给的心脏就会死去。故A、B、D正确。而C中的逻辑和文中不同,其所说的“一旦恢复供血,这段心脏会继续工作”的说法文中没有提及。 5.主旨题。文中作者首先介绍了一项关于工作与心脏病的研究,包括研究的背景、方法、过程和结果。而后在文章最后一段,作者介绍现在心脏病发病的情况和心脏病发作的原理。这些研究都在证实一个事实,即:长时间的工作增加患心脏病的风险。故A、B、C的描述都不全面。只有D,“长时间工作增加心脏病发病率”最全面,是文章主要讨论的内容,故为本题答案。

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  • [多选题]教师在课堂教学中纠错的意义以及方法有哪些?

  • [单选题]心算、打腹稿、默读等技能属于( )。
  • 心智技能

  • 解析:心智技能也称智力技能、认知技能,它是一种借助内部力量调节、控制心智活动的经验,是通过学习而形成的合乎法则的心智话动方式。阅读技能、写作技能、运算技能、解题技能、记忆技能等都属于心智技能。

  • [单选题]教学工作基本形式是( )。
  • 课堂教学

  • 解析:班级授课制又称课堂教学,是一种集体教学形式。是把一定数量的学生按年龄和知识程度编成固定的班级,根据周课表和作息时间表,安排教师有计划地向全班学生集体授课的一种教学组织形式。课堂教学是教学工作的基本形式。故选择C。A选项,个别辅导,又称个别教学,是在课堂教学的基础上教师针对不同学生的情况进行个别辅导的教学组织形式。个别辅导一般是在学生已有学习的基础上,通过学生的复习、预习和对自己感兴趣的问题的深入学习,发现自己还不明白的问题,然后向老师请教,教师针对学生的具体情况进行个别辅导。B选项,小组教学指的是将两人以上的学生编成一个小组,以各小组为单位共同学习的教学组织形式。这是对集体教学的有效的补充,有利于学生进行合作学习,是培养健全人格、促进个体社会化的有效途径。D选项,学校除了课堂教学之外,还要让学生通过自然或社会实践获得必要的直接经验,验证或运用理论知识,借以开阔眼界,扩大知识,激发学习热情,培养独立工作的能力,陶冶品德。这种在自然和社会现实活动中进行教学的组织形式,便是现场教学。

  • [单选题]所谓的及时复习一般是指( )。
  • 在学习结束立刻复习

  • 解析:复习要及时,也就是学习结束立刻复习。如果不及时复习,头脑中的保持量在短时间内急剧减少,再复习就要花费相对较多的时间。

  • [单选题]强和削弱取决于学习者的心理调节和心理准备。( )A.正确B.错误
  • 解析:桑代克的准备律是指联结的加强或削弱取决于学习者的心理准备和心理调节状态。

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