正确答案: B



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  • [单选题]在进行活塞运动部件校中时,必须测量()。
  • 滑块与导板的间隙

  • [单选题]十字头式柴油机应进行活塞运动部件与固定件()校中。
  • C.横向和纵向

  • [单选题]常见气阀的损伤有()等。Ⅰ.气阀阀盘锥面;Ⅱ.阀面的烧伤与高温腐蚀;Ⅲ.阀盘与阀杆的裂纹;Ⅳ.阀杆的弯曲变形;Ⅴ.阀杆的磨损。
  • Ⅰ+Ⅱ+Ⅲ+Ⅳ+Ⅴ

  • [单选题]轴系中心线的偏差度应()。
  • 小于允许值

  • [单选题]操舵轻快、航向失控的原因可能是()。Ⅰ.舵承配合间隙过大;Ⅱ.舵承损坏;Ⅲ.舵叶丢失;Ⅳ.舵杆折断;Ⅴ.舵承的摩擦力小。
  • Ⅲ+Ⅳ

  • [单选题]An increase in load on a diesel engine results in () of speed of the crankshaft.
  • a reduction

  • [单选题]Before starting the turning gear, () should be worked by hand to minimize corrosive action on the liners.
  • the cylinder lubricators

  • [单选题]Put in the engine turning gear Now examine thoroughly inside the crankcase to () that everything is correct.
  • make sure

  • [单选题]The piston ring grooves for a standard engine are ()
  • flame hardened against wear

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