正确答案: C



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  • [单选题]废气锅炉出口排烟温度t2不应低于露点,排气露点与()有关。Ⅰ.废气锅炉蒸汽工作压力;Ⅱ.燃油的含硫量;Ⅲ.排气中的水蒸气分压
  • Ⅱ+Ⅲ

  • [单选题]连杆大小端轴承孔平台检验时应检查二者的中心线的()。
  • 在垂直平面和水平平面内的平行度

  • [单选题]曲折反映了两相邻轴轴心线呈()的状态。
  • 相交且法兰中心对准

  • [单选题]Of a kind of liquid is used to cool the diesel engine, it is invariably called ()
  • coolant

  • [单选题]If the atomizer holes are enlarged beyond the makers recommended size, the atomizer must be ().
  • replaced

  • [单选题]The machine has stopped rotating because the bearing () the shaft.
  • seized

  • [单选题]For a given size engine, the two-stroke/cycle diesel engine will deliver more power than a four-stroke/cycle diesel engine because ().
  • it develops twice as many power strokes at the same speed

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