正确答案: A

Students' learning efforts.

题目:请阅读Passage 1,完成1~5小题。   Passage 1   Today's adults grew up in schools designed to sort us into the various segments of our social and economic system.The amount of time available to learn was fixed: one year per grade.The amount learned by the end of that time was free to vary: some ofus leamed a great deal; some,very little.As we advanced through the grades,those who had learned a great deal in previous grades continued to build on those foundations.Those who had failed to master the early prerequisites within the allotted time failed to learn that which followed.After 12 or 13 years of cumulative treatment of this kinD.we were,in effect,spread along an achievement continuum that was ultimately reflected in each student's rank in class upon graduation.   From the very earliest grades,some students learned a great deal very quickly and consistently scored high on assessments.The emotional effect of this was to help them to see themselves as capable learners,and so these students became increasingly confident in school.That confidence gave them the inner emotional strength to take the risk of striving for more success because they believed that success was within their reach.Driven forward by this optimism,these students continued to try harD.and that effort continued to result in success for them.They became the academic and emotional winners.Notice that the trigger for their emotional strength and their learning success was their perception of their success on formal and informal assessments.   But there were other students who didn't fare so well.They scored very low on tests,beginning in the earliest grades.The emotional effect was to cause them to question their own capabilities as learners.They began to lose confidence,which,in turn,deprived them of the emotional reserves needed to continue to take risks.As their motivation warneD.of course,their performance <u>plummeted</u>.These students embarked on what they believed to be an irreversible slide toward inevitable failure and lost hope.Once again,the emotional trigger for their decision not to try was their perception of their performance on assessments.   Consider the reality-indeed.the paradox-of the schools in which we were reared.If some students worked hard and learned a lot,that was a positive result,and they would finish high in the rank order.But if some students gave up in hopeless failure,that was an acceptable result,too, because they would occupy places very low in the rank order.Their achievement results fed into the implicit mission of schools: the greater the spread of achievement among students,the more it reinforced the rank order.This is why,if some students gave up and stopped trying (even dropped out of school),that was regarded as the student's problem,not the teacher's or the school's.   Once again,please notice who is using test results to decide whether to strive for excellence or give up in hopelessness.The "data-based decision makers" in this process are students themselves.Students are deciding whether success is within or beyond reach,whether the learning is worth the required effort,and so whether to try or not.The critical emotions underpinning the decision making process include anxiety,fear of failure,uncertainty,and unwillingness to take risks-all triggered by students' perceptions of their own capabilities as reflected in assessment results.   Some students responded to the demands of such environments by working hard and learning a great deal.Others controlled their anxiety by giving up and not caring.The result for them is exactly the opposite of the one society wants.Instead of leaving no child behinD.these practices,in effect,drove down the achievement of at least as many students as they successfully elevated.And the evidence suggests that the downside victims are more frequently members of particular socioeconomic and ethnic minorities.


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  • [单选题]某老师经常关注"学生喜欢我吗?""同事如何看我?""领导是否觉得我干得不错"等问题,反映出其成长处于( )。
  • 关注生存阶段

  • 解析:处于关注生存阶段的一般是新教师,他们非常关注自己的生存适应性.最担心的问题是:"学生喜欢我吗""同事们如何看我""领导是古觉得我干得不错"等等。造成有些新教师可能会把大量的时间都花在如何与学生搞好个人关系上。有些新教师则可能想方设法控制学生,因为教师都想成为一个良好的课堂管理者。

  • [多选题]怎样帮助学生降低考试焦虑?

  • [单选题]教师在教育工作中要做到循序渐进,这是因为( )
  • 教育活动中要遵循人的身心发展规律

  • 解析:个体身心发展具有客观规律,其中身心发展的顺序性要求教师应按照发展的序列进行施教,做到循序渐进。故此题选则C选项。A选项,均不是进行循序渐进的原因D项,说法错误。教育活动受到环境、遗传、人的主观能动性等因素影响。

  • [单选题]中学高级、一级教师职务聘任由( )聘任。
  • 县级教育局

  • 解析:中学高级、一级教师职务由地市一级人事局、教育局组成的评审委员会审查职务资格认定,而在具体的聘任上则是由县人事局聘任,它的认定和聘任分别属于不同的机构。故选择D。

  • [单选题]下列选项不属于教师热爱学生的基本要求的是()。
  • 及时惩罚学生

  • 解析:《中小学教师职业道德规范》(1997年修订)规定,教师要"热爱学生"。要求教师要关心爱护全体学生,尊重学生的人格,平等、公正对待学生。对学生严格要求,耐心教导,不讽刺、挖苦、歧视学生,不体罚或变相体罚学生,保护学生合法权益,促进学生全面、主动、健康发展。故选择C。

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