正确答案: D
题目:"十个手指有长短"这句话表明,在学生发展过程中存在( )。
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[单选题]下列选项中,未列入我国刺绣工艺中"四大名绣"的是( )。
[单选题]个体身心发展的一般规律不包括( )。
[单选题]进行个人作品系统收集,以明确当前成就和进步过程的成长记录袋评价属于( )。
[单选题]德育中情感陶冶法是指在教育者的激发和引导下,充分发挥学生的主体作用,促使其向觉进行行为转化和行为控制的方法。( )A.正确B.错误
[单选题]Birds are a critical part of our ecologicalsystem. But more than ever, birds arethreatened by human pollution and climate change.
We need the birds to eat insects, move seeds and pollen around, transfer nutrients from seato land, clean up after the mass death of the annual Pacific salmon runs, or when a wild animal falls anywhere in a field or forest.
How could we enjoy spring without the birdsflitting busily in our garden or dropping by to check out the flowers in our urbanwindow box? Can you contemplate Americawithout the soaring bald eagle, or even thosescavengers like the pigeons and gulls that clean up discarded food scraps on our citystreets and waterfronts? How diminished ourlives would be without them?
Scavenging eagles and condors need huntersto behave responsibly and bury, or remove,the remains of any shot deer peppered withfragments of lead bullets. Loons, ducks and other water birds will be poisoned bylead bullets and lead fishing sinkers if we allow such objects to drop in their feeding space.
All sea and shore birds, even the puffins and guillemots of the otherwise pristine Aleutians, need us to make sure that no otherheavy metals, like mercury and cadmium, are dumped in rivers and make their way acrossthe oceans.
Birds like the terns, knots and shearwatersthat migrate between the far north and deep, deep, south of our planet need people everywhere to cease and desist from fillingin their wetland fuel stops and rest stations,and from constructing golfing resorts andfactories in their feeding and breeding grounds.
Seabirds are among the most endangeredvertebrate species on the planet, with the International Union for Conservation ofNature classifying 97 species as globallythreatened, and 17 in the highest category of critically threateneD.Of greatest concern arethe pelicans of the southern oceans and thespectacular, but slow-breeding albatross.Plastic bags must be eliminated from natural environments so sea and shore birds don'tmistakenly carry such debris back to feed their chicks, with invariably lethal consequences.The albatross, cormorants and herons need usto stop over-fishing and compromising theirnormal food supply.
The pelicans, penguins and all the birds thatinhabit, or visit, our coastlines need us to ensure that we do not dump oil into gulfs and bays, or release so much carbon dioxideinto the atmosphere that the oceans turn acidic and we lose the mussels arid oysters,the mass of calcareous plankton that feedsso many creatures, and the coral reefsthat nurture enormous numbers of ediblespecies.
Think about it. We share this small greenp lanet.As they fly, feed and nest, the birdsmonitor the health of the natural world for us,provided that we, in turn, make the effort to access that key information.
The birds and humans are both large, complex and ultimately vulnerable organisms thatinhabit the top of the food chain. At the end ofthe day, their fate will be our fate.
Which of the following fails to tell what birds do according to the passage?
They are likely to attack thoseirresponsible hunters.
解析:句意为“根据文章,下列哪一项不能正确表述鸟类可以做的事?”。A项,意为“以奇妙的方式帮助植物生长”,对应第二段“We need the birds to eatinsects, move seeds andpollen around transfernutrients from sea to land.”鸟类吃害虫,帮助植物播撒种子和传播花粉,将营养从海洋转移到陆地。B项,意为“清理鱼类和动物的尸体”,对应第二段“clean up after the mass death ofthe annual Pacific salmon runs,or when a wild animal falls anywhere in afield or forest.”C项,意为“阻止海洋的污染和酸化”,出现在第二段、倒数第三段。D项,意为“可能攻击不负责任的猎人”出现在第四段。D项与文意最为不符,故选择D。
[单选题]To achieve fiuency,when should correction be conducted?
At the summary stage of the activity.
[单选题]在PowerPoint中,下列视图模式可用于播放幻灯片的是( )。
[单选题]What teaching method is used by the teacher if much of his/her class time is spent ondrilling sentence patterns followed by exercises like repetition,memorization,mimicrty,etc?
The Audio-lingual Method.