正确答案: C

was hardly convincing

题目:请阅读 Passage 1,完成1~5小题。   Passage 1   Two years ago,Rupert Murdoch's daughter,Elisabeth,spoke of the "unsettling dearth of integrity across so many of our institutions" .Integrity had collapsed.she argued.because of a collective acceptance that the only "sorting mechanism" in society should be profit and the market.But "it's us,human beings,we the people who create the society we want,not profit" .   Driving her point home,she continued: "It's increasingly apparent that the absence of purpose,of a moral language within government,media or business could become one of the most dangerous goals for capitalism and freedom." This same absence of moral purpose was wounding companies such as News International,she thought,making it more likely that it would lose its way as it had with widespread illegal telephone hacking.   As the hacking trial concludes-finding guilty one ex-editor of The News of the World.Andy Coulson,for conspiring to hack phones,and finding his predecessor,Rebekah Brooks,innocent of the same charge-the wider issue of dearth of integrity still stands.Journalists are known to have hacked the phones of up to 5,500 people.This is hacking on an industrial scale,as was acknowledged by (Jlenn Mulcaire,the man hired by The News of the World in 2001 to be the point person for phone hacking.Others await trial.This long story still unfolds.   In many respects,the dearth of moral purpose frames not only the fact of such widespread phone hacking but the terms on which the trial took place.One of the astonishing revelations was how little Rebekah Brooks knew of what went on in her newsroom,how little she thought to ask and the fact that she never inquired how the stories arrived.The core of her successful defence was that she knew nothing.   In today's world.it has become normal that well-paid executives should not be accountable for what happens in the organisations that they run.Perhaps we should not be so surprised.For a generation,the collective doctrine has been that the sorting mechanism of society should be profit.The words that have mattered are efficiency,flexibility,shareholder value,business-friendly,wealth generation,sales,impact and.in newspapers,circulation.Words degraded to the margin have been justice,fairness,tolerance,proportionality and accountability.   The purpose of editing The News of the World was not to promote reader understanding,to be fair in what was written or to betray any common humanity.It was to ruin lives in the quest for circulation and impact.Ms Brooks may or may not have had suspicions about how her journalists got their stories,but she asked no questions,gave no instruction-nor received traceable,recorded answers.

解析:细节题。根据第四段段末句“The core of her successful defence was that she knew nothing”,即她成功辩护的核心是,她什么也不知道,可知,作者对该案的审判持否定态度。并且作者在该段第一句话中指出,丧失道德目的不仅体现在如此普遍的电话窃听这一事实上,也体现在审判发生的条件上,其中最震惊的就是对Rebekah Brooks的审判。因此,作者认为她的辩护是不可信的。故本题选C。A项“揭露了狡猾的个性”,B项“聚焦于琐碎的小事”和D项“是一个阴谋的一部分”均不符合题意。

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  • [单选题]Passage 1 NBA centre Jason Collins recently announced he was gay in a cover story for Sports Illustraied. In other words, he "came out of the closet." This expression for revealing one's homosexuality may seem natural. Being in the closet implies hiding from the outside world, and the act of coming out of it implies the will to stop hiding. But though the closet has long been a metaphor for privacy or secrecy, its use with reference to homosexuality is relatively recent. According to George Chauncey's comprehensive history of modern gay culture, Gay New York, the closet metaphor was not used by gay people until the 1960s. Before then, it doesn't appear anywhere "in the records of the gay movement or in the novels, diaries, or letters of gay men and lesbians." "Coming out," however, has long been used in the gay community, but it first meant something different than it does now. "A gay man's coming out originally referred to his being formally presented to the largest collective manifestation of prewar gay society, the enormous dra~; balls that were patterned on the debutante and masquerade balls of the dominant culture and were regularly held in New York, Chicago, New Orleans, Baltimore, and other cities." The phrase "coming out" did not refer to coming out of hiding, but to joining into a society of peers. The phrase was borrowed from the world of debutante balls, where young women "came out" in being officially introduced to society. The gay debutante balls were a matter of public record and often covered in the newspaper, so "coming out" within gay society often meant revealing your sexual orientation in the wider society as well, but the phrase didn't necessarily carry the implication that if you hadn't yet come out, you were keeping it a secret. There were other metaphors for the act of hiding or revealing homosexuality. Gay people could "wear a mask" or "take off the mask". A man could "wear his hair up" or "let his hair down", or "drop hairpins" that would only be recognized by other gay men. It is unclear exactly when gay people start.ed using the closet metaphor, but "it may have been used initially because many men who remained 'covert' thought of their homosexuality as a sort of 'skeleton in the closet'." It may also have come from outsiders who viewed it that way. It seems that "coming out of the closet" was born as a mixture of two metaphors: a debutante proudly stepping into the arms of a community and a shocking secret being kept in hiding. Now the community is the wider community, and the secret is no longer shocking. "Coming out" is a useful phrase, but it need not imply a closet.
  • Which of the following statement about "coming out" is True?

  • The phrase was borrowed from the world of debutante balls.

  • 解析:A项意为"柜'一直是同性恋的隐喻",这与第二段"…the closet metaphor was not used by gay people until the 1960s."相矛盾,因此错误;B选项意为…出柜'最初的意思是公开同性恋",这与第三段"A gay man's coming out originally referred to his being formally presented to the largest collective manifestation of prewar gay society"不相符;C选项意为"'出柜'一词是从上流女子舞会里借用过来的",与第三段"The phrase was borrowed from the world of debutante balls"相符合,故正确;D项与第三段"The phrase'commg out' did not refer to coming out of hiding"意思相反。因此选择C。

  • [单选题]儿童心理发展存在关键期,这一概念由( )首先提出。
  • 劳伦兹

  • 解析:奥地利生态学家劳伦兹最早发现"关键期"。个体在发育的某一时期对特定的环境影响特别敏感,并容易获得某种行为或技能,该时期就被称为关键期,过了这一时期,同样的刺激则对之影响很小或没有影响。故选择B。A项,皮亚杰,瑞士著名哲学家、心理学家。他是个体身心发展多因素相互作用论代表人物:德育认知模式代表人物;现代认知学派代表人物;强调建构主义发展观,提出认知发展阶段理论;提出儿童道德发展阶段论。C项,1903年美国教育学家桑代克发表了《教育心理学》-书,这是西方第一本以教育心理学"命名的著作。桑代克因此也被称为"教育心理学之父"。D项,班杜拉,提出社会学习模式,该模式认为,需要通过观察他人在相同环境中的行为,从他人行为获得强化的观察中进行体验学习,所以建立在替代基础上的观察学习是人类学习的重要形式,是品德教育的主要渠道。学习理论中,他提出行为主义观察学习理论(社会学习理论);动机理论中,提出自我效能感理论。

  • [单选题]During the reading lesson, the teacher asked students to read a few______from the novel.
  • extracts

  • 解析:考查名词辨析。句意为"在阅读课上,老师要求学生阅读小说的一些_______"。extracts意为"摘录,选录",符合题意。piece意为"张,件",essays意为"论文",fragments指"碎片,片断",均不符合题意。故选D。

  • [单选题]已知法学10级3班有36人,假定下列四种说法有两个为真,其余为假( )。(1)并非法学10级3班所有同学都去过庐山。(2)法学10级3班王芳和李娜都去过庐山。(3)只有法学10级3班有人去过庐山,才能说该班张斐既去过庐山,也去过三清山。(4)并非法学10级3班没有同学去过庐山。依据上述假定及其给定条件,下列判断为真的选项是:
  • 王芳、李娜、张斐都没有去过庐山

  • 解析:说法(1)等值于"有些法学10级3班的同学没去过庐山",说法(4)等值于"有些法学10级3班的同学去过庐山",这两种说法是下反对关系,必有一真,由四种说法有两个为真,则说法(2)和(3)只有一真,说法(3)只有在"法学10级3班没有人去过庐山,该班张斐既去过庐山也去过三清山"的情况下为假,此说法本身是矛盾的,因此(3)必然为真,(2)为假。则说法(1)为真,说法(4)为假,即"法学10级3班没有同学去过庐山",故选择D项。

  • [单选题]下列哪一个作品不是鲁迅的( )。
  • 子夜

  • 解析:D选项,《子夜》是茅盾长篇小说,刻画了以民族资本家吴荪甫为中心,描写了当时中国社会的各种矛盾和斗争。茅盾的其它作品有:《霜叶红似二月花》、《虹》、《腐蚀》、《林家铺子》等。故选则D。A选项,《祝福》是鲁迅小说集《彷徨》中的代表篇目(代表篇目:《祝福》、《伤逝》、《孤独者》)。刻画了祥林嫂生活的悲剧。B选项,《阿Q正传》是鲁迅小说集《呐喊》中的代表篇目(代表篇目:《孔乙己》、《狂人日记》《阿Q正传》《药》),刻画了愚昧无知的阿Q生活的悲剧,揭示了1日中国人民的生活场景和其处在水深火热之中的病态。C选项,《狂人日记》是鲁迅小说集《呐喊》中的代表篇目(代表篇目:《孔乙己》、《狂人日记》《阿Q正传》《药》),是鲁迅第一篇、也是中国文学史上第一部白话小说。

  • [多选题]班级组织是开展教学活动的基层组织单位。( )
  • 解析:班级是学校管理的基层组织,是开展教学活动的基层组织。

  • [单选题]某学校组织活动方案设计比赛,张老师给予小红同学的评语是:你的设计方案很棒,并且在如此激烈的比赛中,你能够保持实力,在活动实施方面设计的很新颖,值得表扬,但在结束环节过于潦草,望再接再厉,取得更好的成绩。关于张老师的评语,下列选项中不正确的是( )。
  • 张老师关注学生的比赛成绩

  • 解析:素质教育理念强调,建立与素质教育理念相一致的评价制度。不仅关注学业成绩,还关注学生的创新精神、实践能力、心理素质、学习兴趣、学习方法和积极的情感体验等。B选项,张老师并没有因为学生的表现而发怒,在评语中有激励有表扬,让学生易于接受,体现了老师关注学生的情感体验;B正确。C选项,"如此激烈的比赛中,你能够保持实力",这体现了老师关注到了学生的心理素质,C正确。张老师对学生设计方案的评价,更关注活动过程而非成绩,体现了教师关注学生的实践能力,而非成绩,D正确,A不正确,故选择A。

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