正确答案: B


题目:It is suggested that teachers should not interrupt students for error correction when the activity aims at_______.


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  • [单选题]Passage 2 Taylor Swift, the seven-time Grammy winner, is known for her articulate lyrics, so there was nothing surprising about her writing a long column for The Wall Street Journal about the future of the music industry. Yet there's reason to doubt the optimism of what she had to say. "This moment in music is so exciting because the creative avenues an artist can explore are limitless:' Swift wrote. "In this moment in music, stepping out of your comfort zone is rewarded, and sonic evolution is not only accepted...it is celebrated. The only real risk is being too afraid to take a risk at all." That's hard to reconcile with Nielsen's mid-year U.S. music report, which showed a 15 percent year-on-year drop in album sales and a 13 percent decline in digital track sales. This could be the 2013 story all over again, in which streaming services cannibalize their growth from digital downloads, whose numbers dropped for the first time ever last year, except that even including streams, album sales are down 3.3 percent so far in 2014. Streaming has grown even more than it did last year, 42 percent compared to 32 percent, but has failed to make up for a general loss of interest in music.Consider this.in 2014 to date, Americans purchased 593.6 million digital tracks and heard 70.3 million video and audio streams for a sum total of 663.9 million. In the comparable period of 2013, the total came to 731.7 million.Swift, one of the few artists able to pull off stadium tours, believes it's all about quality. "People are still buying albums, but now they're buying just a few of them:' she wrote. "They are buying only the ones that hit them like an arrow through the heart." In 2000, album sales peaked at 785 million. Last year, they were down t0 415.3 million. Swift is right, but for many of the artists whose albums pierce hearts like arrows, it's too late. Sales of vinyl albums have increased 40.4 percent so far this year, according to Nielsen, and the top-selling one was guitar hero Jack White's Lazaretto. The top 10 also includes records by the aging or dead, such as the Beatles and Bob Marley & the Wailers. More modern entries are not exactly teen sensations, either. the Black Keys, Beck and the Arctic Monkeys. None of these artists is present on the digital sales charts, including or excluding streams. The top-selling album so far this year, by a huge margin, is the saccharine soundtrack to the Disney animated hit, Frozen. When, like me, you're over 40 and you believe the music industry has been in decline since in 1993 (the year Nirvana released In Utero), it's easy to criticize the music taste of "the kids these days:' a term even the 23-year old Swift uses. My fellow dinosaurs will understand if they compare 1993's top albums to Nielsen's 2014 list. But these kids don't just like to listen to different music than we do, they no longer find much worth hearing.The way the music industry works now may have something to do with that. In the old days, musicians showed their work to industry executives, the way most book authors still do to publishers (although that tradition, too, is eroding). The executives made mistakes and were credited with brilliant finds. Sometimes they followed the public taste, and sometimes they strove to shape it, taking big financial and career risks in the process. These days, according to Swift, it's all about the social networks. "A friend of mine, who is an actress, told me that when the casting for her recent movie came down to two actresses, the casting director chose the actress with more Twitter followers:' Swift wrote. "In the future, artists will get record deals because they have fans - not the other way around." The social networks are fickle and self-consciously sarcastic (see the recent potato salad phenomenon). They are not about arrow-through-the-heart sincerity. That's why YouTube made Psy a star, but it couldn't have been the medium for Beatlemania. Justin Timberlake has 32.9 million Twitter followers, but he's no Jack White. In the music industry's heyday, it produced a lot of schlock. But it got great music out to the masses, too. These days, it expects artists to do their own promotion and for those who less good at that than at making music, it may mean not getting heard. For fans it means less good music to stream and download. Well, there's always the warm and fuzzy world of vinyl nostalgia, I guess.
  • What does the underlined word"that"in PARAGRAPH EIGHT refer to?

  • Kid' s music taste

  • 解析:根据第七段第一句”When, like me,you're over 40 and you believe the music industry has been in decline since in 1993(the year Nirvana released in Utero), it's easy to criticize the music taste of'the kidsthese days.‘a term eventhe 23-year old Swift uses.”可知现在的音乐市场不景气.很容易被人认为是由于现在的孩子对音乐的喜好与作者那时代的人不一样。所以第八段中”he way the music industry works now may have some thing to do with that:中的that指代的就是孩子的音乐喜好kids music taste),故选择A。

  • [单选题]学校派徐老师参加市优秀教师教学设计大赛,但在徐老师回校后学校扣除了其500元的绩效工资。学校的这种做法( )。
  • 侵犯了教师权利

  • 解析:《中华人民共和国教师法》等相关法律法规规定,我国教师享有报酬待遇权,必须按时发放教师的工资,不得拖欠,不得克扣或变相克扣教师的工资。

  • [单选题] Can you imagine the difficulty I had ______ language obstacles I first studied abroad?
  • overcoming

  • 解析:考查惯用搭配。have difficulty (in) doing sth意为"做某事有困难",the difficulty I had over-coming language obstacles在整个句子中作宾语,I had overcoming language obstacles是省略了关系代词that的定语从句,关系代词在句中充当宾语。故选B。

  • [单选题]Passage 2   Several research teams have found that newborns prefer their mothers voices over those of other people. Now a team of scientists has gone an intriguing step further: they have found that new borns cry in their native language."We have provided evidence that language begins with the very first cry melodies:'says Kathleen Wermke of the University of Wurzburg, Germany, who led the research.   "The dramatic finding of this study is that not only are newborns capable of producing different cry melodies, but they prefer to produce those melody patterns that are typical for the ambient language they have heard during their fetal life, within the last trimester, "said Wermke. "Contrary to orthodox interpretations, these data support the importance of human infants' crying for seeding language development."   It had been thought that babies' cries are constrained by their breathing patterns and respiratory apparatus, in which case a crying baby would sound like a crying baby no matter what the culture is, since babies are anatomically identicaI."The prevailing opinion used to be that newborns could not actively influence their production of sound:' says Wermke. This study refutes that claim: since babies cry in different languages, they must have some control (presumably unconscious) over what they sound like rather than being constrained by the acoustical properties of their lungs, throat mouth, and larynx. If respiration alone dictated what a cry soundedlike, all babies would cry with a falling-pitch pattern, since that's what happens as you run out of breath and air pressure on the throats sound-making machinery decreases. French babies apparently didn't get that memo German and French infants produce different types of cries, even though they share the same physiology, " the scientists point out. The Frenh newborns produce 'nonphysiological' rising patterns:'showing that the sound of their cries is under their control.   Although phonemes- speech sounds such as"ki"or"sh"-don't cross the abdominal barrier and reach the fetus, So-called prosodic characteristics of speech do. These are the variations in pit rhythm, and intensity that characterize each language. Just as newborns remember and prefer actual songs that they heard in utero, it seems, so they remember and prefer both the sound of Moms voice and the melodic signature of her language.   The idea of the study wasn't to make the sound of a screaming baby more interesting to listeners--good luck with that-but to explore how babies acquire speech. That acquisition, it is now clear, begins months before birth, probably in the third trimester. Newborns "not only have memorized the main intonation patterns of their respective surrounding language but are also able to reproduce these patterns in their own [sound] production, conclude the scientists. Newborns'"cries are already tuned toward their native language, " giving them a head start on sounding French or German or, presumably, English or American or Chinese or anything else: the scientists are collecting cries from more languages). This is likely part of the explanation for how babies develop spoken language quickly and seemingly without effort. Sure, we may come into the world wired for language(thank you, Noam Chomsky), but we also benefit from the environmental exposure that tells us which language.   Until this study, scientists thought that babies became capable of vocal imitation no earlier 12 weeks of age. That's when infants listening to an adult speaker producing vowels can parrot sound. But that's the beginning of true speech. lt's sort of amazing that it took this long for scientists to realize that if they want to see what sounds babies can perceive, remember, and play back,they should look at the sound babies produce best. So let the little angel cry: she's practicing to acquire language.
  • What does Kathleen Wermke's research indicate?

  • Babies 'cries could be their early language acquisition

  • 解析:根据“scientists thought that babies became capable of vocal imitation no earlier than 12 weeks of age”可知,A项说法错误。根据“We have provided evidence that language begins with the very first cry melodies”及后文可知,Kathleen Wermke的研究是用婴儿哭声声调的不同来说明婴儿语言的习得可能在子宫中就开始了,婴儿的哭声可能就是他们早期语言习得的体现。B项说法正确。根据“That acquisition,it is now clear, begins months before birth, probably in the third trimester“可知.C项与原文不符。D项在文中直接进行了说明,不符合题目要求。故选择B。

  • [单选题]我国第一部以马克思主义观点阐述教育问题的著作是杨贤江的( )。
  • 《新教育大纲》

  • 解析:中国的杨贤江,化名李浩吾,代表作《新教育大纲》,是我国第一部以马克思主义为指导的教育学著作。故选择C。A项,凯洛夫的《教育学》,被公认为世界上第一部马克思主义的教育学著作,对我国建国后乃至现在的教育都产生了很大的影响。B项,《论共产主义教育》的作者是加里宁,前苏联早期党和国家的主要领导人之一。D项,杜威是实用主义哲学创始人、进步教育代表人物,他的代表作有《民主主义与教育》、《我们怎样思维》、《经验与教育》。杜威的常见考点有,三中心论即"儿童中心(学生中心)"、"经验中心"、"活动中心";提出教育的本质,教育即生活、教育即生长、教育即经验的改组或改造(是其教育思想的基础与核心);学校即社会;从做中学;五步教学法,即创设疑难情景;确定疑难所在;提出解决问题的种种假设;推断哪个假设能解决这个困难;验证这个假设。

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