正确答案: B


题目:中国首部完整的哲学著作是( )。


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  • [单选题]一个国家或地区各级各类学校机构与组织的体系及其管理规则是指( )。
  • 学校教育制度

  • 解析:广义的教育制度指国民教育制度,是一个国家为实现其国民目的,从组织系统上建立起来的一切教育设施和有关规章制度。狭义的教育制度指学校教育制度,简称学制,是一个国家各级各类学校的总体系,具体规定各级各类学校的性质、任务、目的、入学条件、修业年限以及它们之间相互衔接关系。学校教育制度处于国民教育制度的核心和主体地位,体现了一个国家国民教育制度的实质。

  • [单选题]维果斯基的最近发展区是指( )。
  • 儿童现有发展水平与可能的发展水平之间的差异

  • 解析:维果斯基提出了"最近发展区",他认为学生的发展有两种水平:一种是学生的现有水平:另一种是学生可能的发展水平,两者之间的差异就是最近发展区。

  • [单选题]母亲让自己的儿女帮他料理家务,让女儿去擦盘子,让男孩去拖地,但是男孩溜出去玩了,于是母亲将两项任务都交给了女儿。皮亚杰将这个故事讲给一群孩子听.这些孩子大部分认为妈妈的做法不对,女儿不应该服从,那么听故事的孩子们的年龄最有可能的是( )。
  • 8~10岁

  • 解析:皮亚杰将儿童的道德发展划分为四个阶段:第一阶段为"自我中心阶段"或前道德阶段(2-5岁),该阶段儿童缺乏接规则来规范行为的自觉性,在亲子关系、同伴关系、价值判断等方面均表现出自我中心倾向;第二阶段为"权威阶段"或他律道德阶段(6~7、8岁),该阶段儿童表现出对外在权威绝对尊重和顺从,把权威确定的规则看作是绝对的、不可更改的,在评价自己和他人的行为时完全以权威的态度为依据:第三阶段为"可逆性阶段"或初步自律道德阶段(8~10岁),该阶段儿童的思维具有了守恒性和可逆性,他们已经不把规则看成是一成不变的东西,逐渐从他律转入自律,判断好坏的标准不是以权威而是以是否公平作为标准:第四阶段为"公正阶段"或自律道德阶段(10~12岁),该阶段的儿童继可逆性之后,公正观念或正义感得到发展,儿童的道禧观念倾向于主持公正、平等。根据皮亚杰的道德发展阶段理论,结合题干中"孩子大部分认为妈妈的做法不对"可知他们已经不把规则(妈妈的话)看成是一成不变的东西,故本题儿童处于8~10岁。

  • [单选题] Since ancient times, the destructive effects of earthquakes on humanlives and property have encouraged the search for reliable methods of earthquake prediction. This challenge remains and modern scientists continue to search for reliable methods to determine the time, place and intensity of individual quakes. One prediction technique involves an analysis of the recurrence rates of earthquakes as indicators of future activity. Earthquakes are concentrated in certain areas of the world which are subject to constant movements of earth's plates and it is in these areas that scientists focus their investigations. This search for pre-earthquake phenomena has received particular attention. In contrast to the ancient Greeks and Romans, who relied on the crying of dogs as a warning sign, modem scientists have focused on physical evidence for a coming earthquake. Evidence of plate strain can be found by measuring relative movements, while chemical changes also offer signals for scientists. Analysis of the changes in magnetic properties and conductivity of rocks provides further data for prediction. The electrical and magnetic properties of crustal rocks are particularly sensitive to strain. The conductivity of crustal rock is determined by the degree to which the rock is soaked with fluid and the electrolytic properties of those fluids. Before large earthquakes, small fractures develop in rocks, which change the quantity of fluid present. These changes can be measured and provide useful data. However, similar changes in the fluid, bearing capacity of rock can occur as a result of other factors such as changes in the water table, and therefore this technique is not entirely reliable. The ancient believe that the behavior of birds, cats and dogs provides evidence of inevitable earthquakes has recently been attended as a result of tests carried out in California. It has been shown that changes taking place in the metabolic rates of these animals correlate with subsequent seismic activity. It is assumed that the animals are sensitive to the seismic waves which precede major quakes. In zones where earthquakes are known to occur, improved construction techniques can significantly reduce the effects of seismic waves. If more accurate information regarding the time and intensity were available, govemments could take even more effective measures to reduce the impact on human life, if, however, an entirely accurate prediction technique became available, there would be significant social and political implications.
  • Crustal rocks can be used to predict earthquakes for their ________.

  • sensitivity to strain

  • 解析:1.细节题。由题干可定位至第一段最后一句,根据“Earthquakes are concentrated in certain areas of the world which are subject to constant movements of earth's plates”可知,地震总是集中在受到地球板块持续运动影响的特定区域。故选项D正确。 2.细节题。短文第三段第一句指出“Analysis of the changes in magnetic properties and conductivity of rocks provides further data for prediction.”即对岩石的磁性和导电性变化的分析为地震预测提供了很多数据。故选项B正确。 3.细节题。根据短文第三段第二句“The electrical and magnetic properties of crustal rocks are particularly sensitive to strain.”即外壳岩的电磁性对压力很敏感,由此可判断出答案为B。 4.细节题。短文第三段最后一句指出“However,similar changes in the fluid,bearing capacity of rock can occur as a result of other factors such as changes in the water table, and therefore this technique is not entirely reliable.”即其他因素也会导致岩石含水量的变化,比如地下水位的变化。因此这种方法也不是完全可靠的。故选项A正确。 5.推断题。根据短文最后一段中“…improved construction techniques can significantly reduce the effects of seismic waves”可知选项C正确。

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