正确答案: D




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  • [单选题]抗精神病药物所致迟发性运动障碍的可能机制是
  • 多巴胺受体超敏

  • 解析:多巴胺受体超敏可能是抗精神病药物所致迟发性运动障碍机制。

  • [单选题]Which of the following statements is not true about delirium tremens
  • result of abrupt drink lots of alcohol

  • 解析:Delirium tremens characterized by disorientation,fluctuation in the level of consciousness,tremors as result of an abrupt reduction in or cessation of heavy alcohol use that has last for a prolonged period of time,hallucination,especially visual hallucination was familiar.

  • [单选题]腧穴可分为三类,即( )
  • 十四经穴、经外奇穴、阿是穴

  • 必典考试
    推荐下载科目: 内分泌学(副高) 精神病学(副高) 肿瘤放射治疗学(副高) 麻醉学(副高) 中医内科学(副高) 中医肛肠学(副高) 推拿学(副高) 中西医结合内科学(副高) 儿童保健(副高) 核医学(副高)
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