正确答案: A



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  • [单选题]What makes a person famous ? This is a mystery that many people have pondered.All kinds of myths surround the lives of well—known people.   Most people are familiar with the words of William Shakespeare,one of the greatest Eng.1ish writers of the sixteenth century.Yet how many know Shakespeare the pemon,the man be.hind the works?  After centuries of research,scholars are still trying to discover Shakespeare’s personaLl his—torty.It is not easily found in his writings.Authors of the time could not protect their works.An acting company,for example,could change a play if they wanted to.Nowadays wfiterShave copyrights that protect their work.   Many myths arose about Shakespeare.Some said he had to formal edueation.There arerumors that he left home when accused of stealing a horse.Others believe that he began his ca—reer by tending the horses of wealthy men.   All of these myths are interesting,but are they true? Probably not.Shakespeare,s fatherwas a respected man in Stratford,a member of the town council.he sent young William togrammar school.Most people of Elizabethan times did not continue beyond grammar school;S0,Shakespeare did have,at least,an average education.   Some parts of Shakespeare’s life will always remain unknown.The Great London Fire of1666 burned many important documents that could have been a source of clues.We will alwaysbe left with many questions and few facts. 根据以上内容,回答{TSE}题。{TS}This passage deals with___________.
  • Shakespeare’s personal history

  • [多选题]人际关系学说的主要观点,下列表述正确的有()
  • 职工是社会人



  • [单选题]主控室进行画面操作上料,若组长不在由()负责。

  • [单选题]患者女,39岁,因“发热、咽痛1周,热退5d后乏力、恶心、呕吐、少尿2d”来诊。查体:BP165/100mmHg;贫血貌,深大呼吸;双下肢水肿。实验室检查:Hb60g/L;尿蛋白(++);BUN41mmol/L,SCr1001μmol/L,血钙1.57mmol/L,血磷3.3mmol/L,血钾6.1mmol/L,血钠121mmol/L,血氯88mmol/L,血清清蛋白28g/L;pH7.28,HCO310mmol/L。

  • [多选题]厥证的证候特点有()
  • A.突发性



  • [单选题]下列治疗消化性溃疡的药物中,抑酸最强、疗效最佳的是()
  • 奥美拉唑

  • 解析:抑酸作用最强,疗效最好的药物是质子泵抑制剂。

  • [单选题]轧制钢板的纤维组织有纵、横向之分,当弯曲半径不大于()时,就必须考虑纤维方向对弯曲半径的影响。
  • 0.5倍板厚

  • 必典考试
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