正确答案: A



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  • [单选题]按轴承允许负荷校中时,下述正确的是()。
  • 各轴承的负荷在允许值内

  • [单选题]桦木层压胶木是铁梨木的代用材料,具有材质致密、坚硬、耐热、绝缘性好、成材率高,缺点是()。Ⅰ.耐磨性差;Ⅱ.耐蚀性差;Ⅲ.耐水浸性差;Ⅳ.刚性差;Ⅴ.脆性大。
  • Ⅰ+Ⅴ

  • [单选题]Keep compartment () as the gas given off can be dangerous.
  • well ventilated

  • [单选题]The indications of a scavenge fire are excessive black smoke, () and peeling from scavenge trunking.
  • all above are right

  • [单选题]The position of the piston parts in relation to each other is secured by means of () in the crown.
  • a dowel pin

  • [单选题]Mist detectors used on large low-speed main propulsion diesel engines monitor and check for the presence of ().
  • lube oil vapors in the crank case

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